2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

领导管治Governance and Chairmanship 59 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 感谢民政及青年事务局局长暨东华三院顾问局主席麦美娟SBS 太平绅士(前排左五)出席支持。 We were grateful for the presence and support of the Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP (front row, left 5), Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs cum Chairman of the TWGHs Advisory Board. 壬寅年董事局向顾问局汇报本院院务及各服务的发展,以及年内的抗疫支援工作和庆祝香港特别 行政区回归25周年活动,并就管治和管理等事宜咨询顾问局的意见。 The Board of Directors 2022/2023 reported to the TWGHs Advisory Board the progress of the Group's development and services, as well as the implementation of the anti-epidemic support and celebration events for the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR during the year. Valuable advice was also sought for the enhancement of the Group's governance and management. 领导管治 Governance and Chairmanship 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华三院顾问局与董事局联席会议 Joint Meeting between the TWGHs Advisory Board and the Board of Directors 25/11 东华三院挑战杯 TWGHs Challenge Cup 为纪念本院当时已服务社会123周年,东华三院癸酉年董事局于1994 年首次举办东华三院百周年纪念挑战杯,从此成为 每年赛事。 TWGHs' Board of Directors 1993/1994 first launched the TWGHs Century Anniversary Challenge Cup in 1994 in celebration of the Group's 123rd Anniversary. Since then, it has become an annual Race. 24/11 商务及经济发展局副局长陈百里博士太平绅士(前排右八) 及其它董事局成员于晚宴上欢聚一堂,气氛愉快。 Dr. CHAN Pak Li, Bernard, JP (front row, right 8), Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, and other Board Members, enjoyed the event in a relaxing mood. 我颁发奖杯予胜出马匹的马主、练马师及骑师。 I presented the trophy to the owner, trainer and jockey of the winning horse.