2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

领导管治Governance and Chairmanship 60 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华三院壬寅年董事局匡助东华学院添置 「模拟儿科病人」仪器 Support of TWGHs Board of Directors 2022/2023 for Tung Wah College (TWC)’s Purchase of "Paediatric Patient Simulator" 东华三院董事局志愿者服务 一「童」你 Let’s「糕」圣诞活动 TWGHs Board Members Volunteer Services – Cupcake Workshop & Christmas Party 我与董事局成员及其家人于该工作坊担任志愿者,与东华三院方肇彝幼儿园的小朋友及其家长欢度愉快下午。 I served as volunteers in the Workshop along with my fellow Board Members and their families, as we spent a wonderful afternoon with the children and their parents from TWGHs Fong Shiu Yee Nursery School. 15/12 17/12 本院壬寅年董事局向东华学院捐助109万元,为儿科病人模拟实 验室添置「模拟儿科病人」及相关录像系统,协助学院进一步优 化教学设施及提升学习效益。 TWGHs Board of Directors 2022/2023 donated $1.09 million to TWC for purchasing a "Paediatric Patient Simulator" and a video recording system to be installed at the Childcare Simulation Laboratory, further enhancing the College's teaching facilities and improving students' learning effectiveness. 我与小朋友一同制作杯子蛋糕。 I made some cupcakes together with the children. 东华学院儿科病人模拟实验室 Childcare Simulation Laboratory of TWC 感谢曾庆业副主席(左)特意打扮成 圣诞老人,向小朋友派发圣诞礼物。 Thank you, Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (left), Vice-Chairman, for dressing up as Santa Claus and distributing Christmas gifts to the kids.