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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 61 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 服务新猷 New Service Initiatives 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华三院学生大使新加坡参访团 TWGHs Student Ambassadors Singapore Tour 06-10/12 在制订好防疫应变措施及预备充足防疫物资的情况下,年内我联同董事局成员,率领28位学生大使到访新加坡,让同学加深 了解新加坡在「一带一路」倡议中的角色,培养同学的世界观,实践「全人教育」理念。 With sufficient anti-epidemic measures and anti-epidemic supplies on hand, my fellow Board Members joined me in leading a group of 28 Student Ambassadors to Singapore this year, as part of our drive to hold fast to the "All-round Education" mission. Through the tour, Student Ambassadors were able to gain a better understanding of Singapore's role in the "Belt and Road" Initiative while cultivating a global mindset. 我们拜访中国驻新加坡大使馆,并与教育参赞康凯先生(后排右四)、政治 新闻处副主任宋超女士(后排右二)、教育处一等秘书王炜先生(后排左 三)及经济商务处二等秘书张兵先生(后排左一)会面交流。 We visited the Embassy of The People's Republic of China in the Republic of Singapore, where we met Mr. KANG Kai (back row, right 4), Education Counsellor, Ms. SONG Chao (back row, right 2), Deputy Director of Political News Office, Mr. WANG Wei (back row, left 3), First Secretary for Education, and Mr. ZHANG Bing (back row, left 1), Secondary Secretary for Commercial Office. 香港驻新加坡经济贸易办事处 Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Singapore 我颁赠纪念品予香港驻新加坡经济贸易办事处处长冯浩然太平绅士(左图左)及中国银行新加坡分行行长程军先生(右图左)。 I presented a souvenir to Mr. FUNG Ho Yin, Owin, JP (left photo, left), Director of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Singapore, and Mr. CHENG Jun (right photo, left), General Manager of the Bank of China Singapore Branch. 学生大使到访新加坡国立大学及当地文化地标,了解当地教育及多元文化。 Student Ambassadors visited the National University of Singapore and the cultural landmarks to learn about Singapore's education and cultural diversity.