2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

服务新猷New Service Initiatives 62 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 为庆祝香港特别行政区成立25周年,东华三院举办以本院历史建筑为主题的摄影比赛。该比赛旨在让参加者通过摄影作品, 向大众展现香港的历史古迹及文化。是次比赛反应热烈,并于东华医院礼堂举行颁奖暨展览开幕典礼。 To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, TWGHs held the Competition under the theme of TWGHs Historical Buildings. The Competition, which received an overwhelming response, aimed to showcase the cultural treasures of Hong Kong historical buildings through the participants' works. The Awards cum Exhibition Opening Ceremony was held in the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital. 「庆祝回归25周年一 东华三院历史建筑摄影比赛」颁奖暨展览开幕典礼 “In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region – TWGHs Historical Buildings Photo Competition” Awards cum Exhibition Opening Ceremony 主礼嘉宾文化体育及旅游局局长杨润雄先生GBS太平绅士(两图左)及我向公开组冠军蔡惠霞女士(左图中)及就读 东华三院陈兆民中学的学生组冠军刘子韬(右图中)颁发奖座。 The Hon. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin, GBS, JP (left in both photos), Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, the officiating guest of the Ceremony, and I presented a trophy to Ms. CHOI Wai Ha (left photo, centre), Champion of Open Category, and LAU Tsz To (right photo, centre), student of TWGHs Chen Zao Men College, Champion of Student Category. 29/10