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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 63 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 香港赛马会禁毒资讯天地重启典礼 Re-opening Ceremony of Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre 28/11 香港赛马会禁毒资讯天地的场地翻新以「破茧而出」为设计主题,增设多项互动多媒体装置,让大众从中认清「毒」害。本院透 过竞投程序获选为营运伙伴,服务年期为两年。 Renovated with the design concept of "emerging from a cocoon", the Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre (HKJCDIC) is equipped with various interactive multimedia devices to promote anti-drug education for the public. TWGHs was selected through a bidding process as the operation partner to provide services for 2 years. 保安局局长邓炳强GBS, PDSM太平绅士(右四)、保安局常任秘书长李百全太平绅士(左三)、建筑署署长谢昌和太平绅士(左 二)、香港赛马会慈善及社区事务执行总监梁卓伟博士(左四)、禁毒常务委员会(禁常会)主席李国栋医生SBS太平绅士(右 三)、时任禁常会戒毒治疗及康复小组委员会主席张越华教授MH太平绅士(右二),以及禁常会禁毒教育及宣传小组委员会 主席陈永坚先生(右一)莅临主礼。 The Hon. TANG Ping Keung, GBS, PDSM, JP (right 4), Secretary for Security, Mr. LI Pak Chuen, Patrick, JP (left 3), Permanent Secretary for Security, Mr. TSE Cheong Wo, Edward, JP (left 2), Director of Architectural Services, Dr. Gabriel LEUNG (left 4), Executive Director, Charities and Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Dr. LI Kwok Tung, Donald, SBS, JP (right 3), the Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN), Prof. CHEUNG Yuet Wah , MH, JP (right 2), the then Chairman of the ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation, and Mr. CHAN Wing Kin (right 1), the Chairman of the ACAN Subcommittee on Preventive Education and Publicity, were invited as the officiating guests. 钥匙移交仪式 Key-handover Ceremony 嘉宾参观中心设备。 The guests visited the facilities of the InfoCentre.