2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

服务新猷New Service Initiatives 64 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华三院马鞍山落禾沙过渡性房屋动土典礼 Groundbreaking Ceremony of TWGHs Transitional Housing Project at Lok Wo Sha Lane, Ma On Shan 22/11 本院于2021/2022年度获政府「支援非政府机构推行过渡性房屋项目资助计划」评审委员会批出拨款,于马鞍山落禾沙兴建及 营运过渡性房屋。 The Group was granted the approval for the construction and operation of the Transitional Housing Project at Lok Wo Sha Lane, Ma On Shan, by the Assessment Committee for the "Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations" in the year 2021/2022. 项目将提供合共436 个单位,内有独立洗手间及厨房,可以为 约1,100名基层市民提供适切居所,预计于2023年底竣工。 The project, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2023, will provide 436 cosy units with separate bathrooms and kitchens for approximately 1,100 underprivileged members. 房屋局局长何永贤太平绅士(前排右六)、沙田民政事务专员柯家乐太平绅士(前排右四)及香港警务处沙田警区指挥官 梁子健总警司(前排右三)主持动土仪式。 The Hon. HO Wing Yin, Winnie, JP (front row, right 6), Secretary for Housing, Miss OR Kar Lok, Carol, JP (front row, right 4), District Officer (Sha Tin), Home Affairs Department, and Mr. LEUNG Tsz Kin, Percy (front row, right 3), District Commander (Shatin), Hong Kong Police Force, officiated at the ceremony.