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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 65 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华学院第一届荣誉院士颁授典礼 First Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony of Tung Wah College (TWC) 06/10 该典礼标志著学院发展的一个重要里程碑。我于典礼上颁授荣誉院士衔予4位杰出人士,包括行政会议非官守议员高永文 医生GBS太平绅士(左六)、李宗德博士GBS太平绅士(左五)、冯玉娟教授BBS(右六)及李维达医生(左四),表扬他们对 学院发展及社会的重大贡献。 The Ceremony marked a key milestone in the development of the College. I conferred Honorary Fellowships upon 4 distinguished individuals, namely Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP (left 6), Non-official Member of the Executive Council, Dr. LEE Chung Tak, Joseph, GBS, JP (left 5), Prof. FUNG Yuk Kuen, Sylvia, BBS (right 6), and Dr. LI Wai Tat, Walton (left 4), in recognition of their major contributions to TWC and the society. 「软在心‧暖在心」冬至软餐晚宴 “Warm Heart” Soft Meals for Winter Solstice 02/12 承蒙纪研设计有限公司董事陈先生向本院煮餸易订购并捐赠了350份客制化的精致软餐,为有吞咽困难的院友安排一顿丰盛美 味的晚餐。我们更透过直播与各院友们玩游戏,提前欢度愉快冬至。 Thanks to Mr. Andy CHAN, Director of AD Design & Contracting Ltd, for ordering 350 customised soft meals from TWGHs CookEasy, a hearty and delicious dinner was provided for free to each of our home residents suffering from Dysphagia. We also played games with residents via Zoom in celebration of a heart-warming Winter Solstice Festival in advance. 感谢善长陈先生(左七)、立法会议员狄志远 SBS太平绅士(左四)及各嘉宾出席支持。 We were grateful to Mr. Andy CHAN (left 7), the Donor, the Hon TIK Chi Yuen, SBS, JP (left 4), Legislative Council Member, and other guests for their attendance and support. 善长陈先生伉俪赞赏软餐质素,在色、香、 味、形各方面均令人满意。 Mr. Andy CHAN, the Donor, accompanied by his spouse, praised the quality of the soft meal sets for their appearance and taste.