2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

4 主席引言 Chairman’s Introduction The Group is committed to promoting the sustainable development of Hong Kong. In line with the Government's policy objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, a ground-breaking ceremony was held during the year for the "E-co Village" planned and developed by the Group. The "E-co Village" is expected to be completed and ready for service in the 3rd quarter of 2023, making it an important base for environmental education in Hong Kong. Besides, the "2022 Open GIS Competition", which was organised by the Group's Geospatial Lab, invited participants to use geographic information systems to create web maps showing events or phenomena in Hong Kong, with a view to promoting the development of a smart city in Hong Kong. The Group is also committed to promoting cultural heritage and enhancing the sense of family and country among members of the public. In the exhibition "Inseparable Ties: Cohesion as Told by Hong Kong Historic Buildings" to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR, the Group loaned 8 artefacts to the Antiquities and Monuments Office, including the plaque "Shen Wei Pu You" (literally "God protects all"), and rattan baskets used by Tung Wah Coffin Home for the bone repatriation service in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, showing the public how the Group has offered various kinds of assistance to ethnic Chinese overseas and in Mainland China over the past century or so. We are particularly grateful to the Antiquities and Monuments Office for rendering its support to our conservation efforts, as the Office also presented a 3D printout of the Dragon-headed Fish in Man Mo Temple to the National Cultural Heritage Administration as a souvenir. In addition, a series of lectures was held in collaboration with various institutions, including Hong Kong Museum of History and the Hong Kong Public Libraries. We also worked with the Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University to publish a book of research results on the history of nursing education in Kwong Wah Hospital, so as to showcase the important role of the Group in the history of charity, nursing education and medical development. To pass on the local traditional culture, we continued to hold the "Tin Hau Fest! Yaumatei". I led the ritual, attended by the Board of Directors 2022/2023, to express our gratitude to the Goddess. We performed a rite by putting the seals inscribed with auspicious characters on a scroll to offer the best wishes for everyone in Hong Kong. There were many other new initiatives during the year. In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR, a historical photo competition was held to capture the history of TWGHs. With Tung Wah Coffin Home, the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital and other TWGHs historic buildings especially open to the public for photography, the event has successfully brought the message of heritage conservation to the community, as it enabled the public to learn about the cultural and historical origins of our historic buildings through photographs, and promoted the tradition and heritage of the Group. "To Promote Charity and Philanthropy for Public Good." That's the governance motto I set at the beginning of my tenure. It was inspired by a famous saying in Mencius - Jin Xin II, "Principles which, as held, are compendious, while their application is extensive, are good principles." During the year, I kept reminding myself of this motto, and I worked with other members of the Board of Directors and other "Tung Wah People" to achieve this goal, so that our services could carry on uninterrupted in the face of the epidemic, and that our charity work could benefit different walks of life. It has really been a great honour for me to be a part of this mission. Looking ahead, while my term as Chairman has come to an end, the charity cause of TWGHs does not stop here. Under the leadership of the new Chairman and the new Board of Directors, it will continue to shine and thrive, benefiting the general public and promoting the spirit of benevolence. 心等。我特别感谢各位出席主礼的官员及贵宾,在此 不一一赘述,大家可以从《相集》中细味欣赏。 推动香港的可持续发展,本院当仁不让。为配合政府 在2050年前达致碳中和的施政目标,本院筹备发展的 「环保村」于年内亦举行了动土典礼。「环保村」预计 于2023年第三季落成并投入服务,将成为香港环保教 育的重要基地。另外,由本院营运的地理空间实验室 主办「2022 地理信息系统应用公开赛」,广邀参赛者 利用地理信息系统,创作展示香港事件或现象的网络 地图,藉此推动香港智能城市发展。 本院亦致力推动文化传承,加强公众对家国情怀的 认识。在庆祝香港特别行政区成立25 周年展览活动 「血浓于水:香港历史建筑中的家国情」中,本院向古 物古迹办事处借出8项文物,包括「神威普佑」牌匾、 19 世纪末20 世纪初东华义庄用于运载身故海外华人 骨殖的藤篮等,向公众展示本院百多年来如何向海外 华人及内地提供不同援助。本院特别感谢古物古迹办 事处对我们保育事业的支持,该处更以文武庙鳌鱼立 体打印模型作为纪念品,送赠予国家文物局。此外, 本院亦与不同单位合办系列讲座,包括香港历史博物 馆及香港公共图书馆,更与香港浸会大学历史系合作, 将广华医院护理教育发展史研究计划成果结集出版《提 灯者言:广华医院护理教育历史》,展示本院在慈善、 护理教育及医疗发展史的重要地位。 本院秉承本地传统文化,继续于油麻地天后庙举行天 后诞参神仪式,我带领壬寅年董事局成员进行贺诞酬 神仪式,并于《天后诞滚动条》盖上「风」、「调」、「雨」、 「顺」及「启禀」印玺,寓意风调雨顺,万事如意。年内, 本院亦新猷迭至,藉庆祝香港特别行政区成立25周年 之际,本院举办以东华三院历史建筑为主题的历史摄 影比赛,并特意开放东华义庄及东华医院礼堂等重要 历史建筑作拍摄,成功将文物保育的讯息带入社区, 让公众透过相片认识本院历史建筑的文化风貌和历史 渊源,弘扬传统及承传机构历史。 「弘善扬道,博施利群」是我在上任之初定下的管治座 右铭,出自《孟子.尽心下》:「守约而施博者,善道 也」,年内我以此提醒自己,并与董事局及各「东华人」 以这管治目标同行,凝聚众力行善,让服务在疫情下 从不间断,把善业深入社会各个层面,实在与有荣焉。 继往开来,我的主席任期虽已完结,但东华三院的善 缘岂止于此,在新一届主席和董事局的领导下,本院 善业会继续绵延不断、发光发亮,惠泽广大市民,弘 扬善行慈道。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip Chairman Board of Directors 2022/2023 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 31 March 2023 东华三院壬寅年主席 马清扬先生 2023年3月31日