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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 69 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 开拓连系Engagement and Networking 13/10 香港天文台台长郑楚明博士太平绅士(左十)、中银香港私人银行董事总经理甘宇文 先生(右九)、星级导师李灿荣博士(左六)、梁荣武先生(右六)与我及董事局成员主 持起动仪式。 Dr. CHENG Cho Ming, JP (left 10), Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, Mr. KAM Yu Man, Edmund (right 9), Managing Director, Head of Private Banking, Bank of China (Hong Kong), Programme trainers Dr. LI Chan Wing (left 6), Mr. LEUNG Wing Mo (right 6), Board Members and I officiated at the Ceremony. 是项计划承蒙中国银行(香港)有限公司资助,旨在加深本院学生对气候变化的认识,引导他们运用「设计思维」去寻找解决 气候变化的方案,并培养他们成为年轻领袖。 Sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, the Programme aims to deepen our students' understanding of climate changes, inspire them to make innovative reforms through "design thinking" and develop their leadership skills. 东华x中银绿色气候先锋青年领袖计划起动礼暨委任典礼 Tung Wah x BOCHK Green Climate Pioneer Youth Leadership Programme Launch Ceremony cum Appointment Ceremony 「断舍离」告别艺术展 The Mind-decluttering Art Exhibition 05-11/11 本院于荃湾南丰纱厂顺利举行该展览,超过1,000人入场观看。场内摆放由童年到老年不同人生阶段收集回来的物品及故事, 希望鼓励市民关心自己的情绪健康,并让市民了解情绪病患者的内心世界,藉此减低对情绪病的误解,共建包融社区。 The Exhibition was successfully held by the Group at The Mills in Tsuen Wan with more than 1,000 visitors. An array of exhibits and stories, which illustrated different stages of life from childhood to twilight years, were presented. With the aim to encourage citizens to care about their own mental health and empathise with the inner world of the emotionally ill, the Exhibition was intended to reduce the stigma on mental disorders and promote social inclusion. 劳工及福利局康复专员王秀慧太平绅士(左三)与一众嘉宾为艺 术展主持揭幕仪式。 Miss WONG Sau Wai, Vega, JP (left 3), Commissioner for Rehabilitation, Labour and Welfare Bureau, and other guests officiated at the Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition. 精神科医生、心理学家及其它专业人士获邀在 身心灵讲座中与市民分享精神健康资讯。 Psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health experts were invited to share relevant information during the public lecture.