2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 73 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 民政及青年事务局探访本院The Oasis 青年共享空间 A Visit to The Oasis Youth Co-working Space of TWGHs by Home and Youth Affairs Bureau 25/10 民政及青年事务局副局长梁宏正BBS太平绅士(左八)率 领团队探访本院The Oasis 青年共享空间,了解本院支援 青年创业的工作。 Mr. LEUNG Wang Ching, Clarence, BBS, JP (left 8), Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, led his team on a visit to The Oasis Youth Co-working Space of TWGHs, to get a better picture of our supporting services for youth innovation and entrepreneurship 青年创业家向民政及青年事务局团队介绍创业计划。 The young entrepreneurs demonstrated their start-up businesses to representatives of Home and Youth Affairs Bureau. 立法会议员及医务衞生局副局长参观东华三院一 香港大学中医诊所暨教研中心(东区) Legislative Council Members and Under Secretary for Health Visited Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – The University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Eastern District) 29/11 立法会议员葛佩帆议员BBS太平绅士、梁熙议员、郭玲丽议员,及医务衞生局副局长李夏茵医生太平绅士到访该中心,以了 解有关服务,并与年青中医师交流。 The Legislative Council members, the Hon. Elizabeth QUAT, BBS, JP, the Hon. LEUNG Hei, Edward, and the Hon. KWOK Ling Lai, Lillian, visited the Centre along with Dr. LEE Ha Yun, Libby, JP, Under Secretary for Health, to understand the services concerned and interact with the young Chinese medicine practitioners.