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开拓连系Engagement and Networking 74 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华三院企业伙伴合作嘉许典礼2022 TWGHs Corporate Partnership Recognition Ceremony 2022 12/12 感谢民政事务总署署长张赵凯渝太平绅士(右十四)莅临主礼。 We were grateful to Mrs. CHEUNG CHIU Hoi Yue, Alice, JP (right 14), Director of Home Affairs, for officiating at the Ceremony. 该典礼旨在嘉许于过去3年积极支持本院志愿者服务的政府部门、企业及专业团体,并以「疫后启航」为主题,希望滙聚各企业 伙伴的力量,携手合作推行企业社会责任。 The Ceremony was held to recognise the ongoing contribution made by the public and private partners and professional organisations in the past 3 years. Under the theme of "Set Sail for the Future", the Ceremony aimed to foster stronger bonding and collaborations among corporations and TWGHs in promoting corporate social responsibility. 本院支持「庆祝香港回归祖国25周年一 2022感动香江颁奖典礼」 TWGHs Supported “Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return - Touching Hong Kong Awards Ceremony 2022” 18/11 到港事务处处长区嘉宏IDSM(右四)、东华三院己亥年主席蔡荣星博士BBS(右一)、香港各界文化促进会执 行主席马浩文博士BBS(右二)、一众嘉宾与我均亲身出席支持典礼。 Mr. AU Ka Wang, IDSM (right 4), Director of Immigration, Dr. TSOI Wing Sing, BBS (right 1), TWGHs Chairman 2019/2020, Dr. MA Ho Man, Hoffman, BBS (right 2), Executive Chairman of Hong Kong Culture Association, and many other guests, myself included, attended the Ceremony in support of the event. 该典礼由香港大公文汇传媒集团主办,并由香港中联办青年工作部担任特别支持机构,以彰显社会优良价值观。本院为该活动 的协办机构。 The Ceremony was organised by Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group, under the auspices of the Youth Work Department of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, to promote good values of the society. TWGHs was the Co-organiser of the Ceremony.