2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 75 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 共襄善举Support for Good Deeds 本院参加「创新香港一国际人才嘉年华2022」 TWGHs Participated in “Innovating Hong Kong – Global Talent Carnival 2022” 29-30/10 本院获邀出席「贺国庆暨金曲贺回归25周年晚会」 TWGHs Participated in Variety Show in Celebration of the National Day and the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR 04/10 该晚会由啬色园与紫荆音乐艺术协会合办,我代表本院获邀担任晚会主礼嘉宾之一,与啬色园主席马泽华先生MH, CStJ(前排 左五)、黄大仙祠监院李耀辉(义觉)道长MH(前排右六)、一众啬色园副主席及董事局成员,一同与市民共贺国庆。 The Variety Show was co-organised by Sik Sik Yuen and Cercis Music Association. On behalf of the Group, I got invited as one of the officiating guests, in public celebration of the National Day along with Mr. MA Chak Wa, Stephen, MH, CStJ (front row, left 5), Chairman of Sik Sik Yuen, Dr. LEE Yiu Fai (Yee Kok), MH (front row, right 6), Abbot of Wong Tai Sin Temple, Vice-Chairmen and other Board of Directors of Sik Sik Yuen. 我很荣幸获邀出席活动的启动仪式,并到访本 院展位,为同事打气。 It was my honour to be invited to the Kick-off Ceremony, where I visited the exhibition booth of TWGHs to root for our staff.