2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 5 17/05 东华三院辛丑年及壬寅年董事局交代就职典礼及联欢晚宴 Inauguration Ceremony of TWGHs Board of Directors 2022/2023 and Joint Dinner of the Boards of Directors 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 交代就职典礼Inauguration Ceremony 季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 2022四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 本院辛丑年及壬寅年董事局交代就职典礼于东华医院礼堂举行,并邀得时任署理民政事务局局长陈积志太平绅士担任主礼嘉宾及 主持监誓仪式。 The Inauguration Ceremony of TWGHs Board of Directors 2022/2023 was held at the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital, with Mr. CHAN Jick Chi, Jack, JP, the then Acting Secretary for Home Affairs, as the officiating guest to administer the oath-taking ceremony. 我很荣幸从壬寅年顾问暨辛丑年主席谭镇国先生BBS(左)手上接过契据及印信。 I am honoured to receive the title deeds and seal from Mr. TAM Chun Kwok, Kazaf, BBS (left), Member of the Advisory Board 2022/2023 cum Chairman 2021/2022. Ꮃ頟㑻㴠㸡㖷㱉鼨