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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 77 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER GO!! SPEED 活动共有400名来自本港不同复康机构和特殊学校的 iRun跑手和伴跑员参与。 A total of 400 iRun runners from local rehabilitation centres and special schools as well as their guide runners participated in the event. 财政司副司长黄伟纶GBS太平绅士(右九)及香港赛马会副主席李家祥博士GBS, OBE太平绅士(右八)主持起步礼。 The Hon. WONG Wai Lun, Michael, GBS, JP (right 9), Deputy Financial Secretary, and Dr. LI Ka Cheung, Eric, GBS, OBE, JP (right 8), Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, kicked off the Marathon together. 活动典礼 Events and Ceremonies 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华三院「奔向共融」一香港赛马会特殊马拉松2022 TWGHs “iRun” – The Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 2022 23/10 该活动为香港特别行政区成立25周年的志庆活动,获香港赛马会慈善信托基金鼎力支持。「为健康起跑」是本年度的活动主题, 旨在鼓励智障运动员于疫情下继续运动,保持健康生活方式,一同「跑过逆境、奔向共融」。 TWGHs iRun, an accredited event celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, was funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The Marathon, under the theme of "iRun for Health", aims at encouraging proactive sport participation among people with intellectual disabilities, so that they can maintain a healthy lifestyle during the epidemic, and overcome adversity and build an inclusive society together with other members of the public.