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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 78 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 创校40 载,校庆典礼邀得立法会议员兼校友 朱国强先生亲临主礼。 The Hon. CHU Kwok Keung, Member of Legislative Council cum alumni of the College, was invited to officiate at the Ceremony for the College's 40th Anniversary. 学生透过沙画创作绘画出该校40 年来的发展,带 出学校理念 "We are One, Together We Shine!"。 Students recorded the development of the College in the past 40 years by sand painting to highlight the motto of "We are One, Together We Shine!". 典礼邀得律政司副司长兼校友张国钧SBS太平绅士担任主礼嘉宾。 The Hon. CHEUNG Kwok Kwan, SBS, JP, Deputy Secretary for Justice cum alumni of the College, was invited as the officiating guest of the Celebration Ceremony. 东华三院邱子田纪念中学40周年校庆典礼 40th Anniversary Celebration of TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College 15/12 该校庆典礼以「师情融翰墨.教泽润英花」为主题,表扬教师不辞劳苦,作育英才贡献社会。 The theme of the Anniversary Celebration was "Calligraphy blended with blessings from teachers, Flowers blooms with the grace in teaching", in recognition of teachers' hard work regardless of challenges, and their nurturing of students in contribution to the society. 东华三院甲寅年总理中学40周年校庆典礼 40th Anniversary Celebration of TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College 16/12 该校致力推动「全人发展」,培养学生多才多艺。 The College has been emphasising "Whole-Person Development" with a strong commitment to developing students' talents since its foundation.