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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 79 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华学院第十届毕业典礼 10th Tung Wah College (TWC) Graduation Ceremony 24/11 该毕业典礼邀得医院管理局主席范鸿龄SBS太平绅士拨冗出席,并颁授学士或副学士学位予712位毕业生。 The Graduation Ceremony was graced by Mr. FAN Hung Ling, Henry, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Hospital Authority. Either a Bachelor's degree or Higher Diploma was presented to 712 graduates. 作为东华学院校董会主席,我与医院管理局主席范鸿龄SBS太平绅士(第一排右六)、校务委员会主席陈文绮慧 女士BBS(第一排右五)及东华学院校长陈慧慈教授(第一排右一)一同见证毕业生揭开人生新一页。 As the Chairman of Board of Governors of TWC, I accompanied Mr. FAN Hung Ling, Henry, SBS, JP (first row, right 6), Chairman of the Hospital Authority, Mrs. CHAN MAN Yee Wai, Viola, BBS (first row, right 5), Chairman of College Council of TWC, and Prof. Sally CHAN (first row, right 1), President of TWC, witnessed the start of a new chapter in the graduates' lives. 东华三院卢干庭纪念中学35周年校庆典礼 35th Anniversary Celebration of TWGHs Lo Kon Ting Memorial College 02/12 该校创校35周年,我与教育局副秘书长杜永恒太平绅士(左十)、本院顾问、丙申年主席兼校监马陈家欢女 士BBS(左八)及一众嘉宾主持校庆亮灯仪式。 I joined Mr. TO Wing Hang, Edward, JP (left 10), Deputy Secretary for Education, Mrs. Katherine MA, BBS (left 8), Member of TWGHs Advisory Board, Chairman 2016/2017 cum School Supervisor, and other fellow guests in officiating at the Light Switching-on Ceremony in the 35th anniversary of the College. 我们到访STEM教室,了解学校的教学发展。 We visited the STEM Room to learn more about the education development of the College.