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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 82 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华三院冼次云小学35周年校庆典礼 35th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of TWGHs Sin Chu Wan Primary School 15/12 学校于典礼中安排了学生武术及舞蹈汇演。 Students performed martial arts and mass dance at the Ceremony. 东华三院中学联校运动会 TWGHs Joint Secondary School Athletic Meet 26/10 本院联校运动会旨在提供机会让同学参与体艺活动,并培养体育精英。本院属下18间中学派出约800位精英运动员,在运动会 上充分展现昂扬的斗志,争取最佳表现。 The Joint School Athletic Meet aimed to provide opportunities for students to showcase their talents and cultivate sports elites. 800 students from 18 TWGHs secondary schools were passionate and enthusiastic as they gave their best in various track and field events. 香港中文大学医学院助理院长(校友事务)及 矫形外科及创伤学系系主任容树恒教授MH 太平绅士于闭幕仪式致辞。 Professor YUNG Shu Hang, Patrick, MH, JP, Assistant Dean (Alumni Affairs) cum Chairman, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, delivered a closing speech at the ceremony. 我为赛事起步鸣枪。 I fired the starting pistol for the games. 教育局沙田区学校发展组总学校发展主任(沙田)黄锦丽女士(右一)莅临担 任校庆典礼主礼嘉宾,并与各嘉宾一同进行祝愿仪式,期望校务蒸蒸日上。 Ms. WONG Kam Lai (right 1), Chief School Development Officer (Shatin), Shatin District School Development Section, Education Bureau, was invited to officiate at the Ceremony, where she joined other guests in wishing the ongoing success of the School.