2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

奖项殊荣Awards and Recognitions 88 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 团队建立Team Building and Empowerment 团队建立 Team Building and Empowerment 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 国家安全多角度一教师专业研讨会 Holistic View of National Security – Professional Seminar for Teachers 东华三院荣获「亚洲最理想工作公司(香港)」大奖 TWGHs Received the “HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia (Hong Kong Chapter)” Award 08/10 30/11 本院连续第八年荣获该大奖。我与人力资源委员会主任委员邓明慧 副主席(右)代表本院为网上颁奖典礼拍摄得奖片段。 The Group received the Award for the 8th consecutive years. On behalf of the Group, Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy (right), ViceChairman cum Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, and I participated in the video shooting for the Online Award Presentation Ceremony. 为加深学界对国家安全的认识,本院及青识教育发展中心合办「国安教育多角度—教师专业研讨会」,超过500名来自本院属下 中小学、幼稚园、特殊学校的校长及老师在现场及在线一同参与。 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and Youthinkers co-organised a professional seminar for teachers to gain a better understanding of national security. More than 500 participants including principals and teachers from TWGHs secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens and special schools joined the Seminar on-site and online. 教育局首席教育主任(课程支援 及质素保证)梁柏伟先生(右五) 及青识教育发展中心执行董事 张瑞莲女士(左四)一同出席支持 研讨会。 The Seminar was graced by Mr. LEUNG Pak Wai, Ashley (right 5), Principal Education Officer (Curriculum Support and Quality Assurance), Education Bureau, and Ms. Joanne CHEUNG (left 4), Managing Director of Youthinkers.