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团队建立Team Building and Empowerment 89 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 一众董事局成员拍摄短片,合力向东华员工推广「生活与工作平衡月」。 Board Members supported the "Work-Life Balance Month" by making an appeal in a promotional video. 生活与工作平衡月2022 Work-Life Balance Month 2022 01/10 - 31/10 本院今年已连续第八年举办「生活与工作平衡月」,除了为员工举办不同的轻松减压活动,包括「酒精水墨画」及「手调香水」工 作坊,亦透过不同渠道发放健康生活小贴士,以及派发「东华 · 家」环保袋予全院同事。麦邓蕙敏总理更特意为同事送上营养保 健品,鼓励大家积极实践生活与工作平衡。 This year marked the 8th consecutive year of the "Work-life Balance Month". In addition to stress relief workshops including "Alcohol Ink Art" and "Natural Perfume Making", e-tips on healthy lifestyle were disseminated through various channels and a "Tung Wah + Shopping Bag" was specially designed for distribution to all staff. Supplements sponsored by Mrs. MAK TANG Wai Man, Vivian, Director, were also distributed to staff members to encourage work-life balance practices 东华三院员工龙舟队集训开展仪式 Kick-off Ceremony for TWGHs Staff Dragon Boat Team Practice Session 05/11 为祈求新一年集训及比赛期间风调雨顺,本院龙舟队特意举行集训开展仪式。我带领一众董事局成员及高级职员主持参神仪式, 为龙舟「点睛」,象征新一届龙舟之旅正式启航,更和龙舟队一同完成扒龙舟啓动礼,展现团队合作精神。 A Kick-off Ceremony was held to wish for smooth training and victories in the coming year. Accompanied by Board Members and senior staff, I officiated at the worship ceremony by eye-dotting the dragon boat, which symbolised setting sail for the new year's trainings and competitions. We also rowed along with the Dragon Boat Team to demonstrate our team spirit.