2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

团队建立Team Building and Empowerment 90 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 东华医院及东华东院圣诞联欢会暨员工奖颁奖典礼 Christmas Celebration cum Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony of Tung Wah Hospital and Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 12&19/12 我出席支持两间医院的活动,并代表本院分别接受东华医院医院行政总监缪洁芝医生(左图右)及东华东院医院行政总监刘家献医生 (右图右)致送的纪念品。 I supported the captioned events. On behalf of the Group, I received the souvenirs presented by Dr. Christina MAW (left photo, right), Hospital Chief Executive of Tung Wah Hospital, and Dr. LAU Ka Hin (right photo, right), Hospital Chief Executive of Tung Wah Eastern Hospital, respectively. 东华三院行政总部员工圣诞联欢会 Staff Christmas Party of TWGHs Administration Headquarters 20/12 我联同董事局成员及高级职员主持联欢会的开展仪式及参与竞技游戏,与同事共度佳节。 I joined my fellow Board Members and senior staff in the Kick-off Ceremony of the Party, and we played some competitive games with our staff to celebrate the festive season. 我们亦颁发了不同奖项,以表扬为本院服务多年及贡献良多的同事。 We also presented different awards in recognition of the valuable contributions and ongoing efforts made by dedicated staff members.