2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 91 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 我联同董事局成员,率领23位学生大使到访伦敦,多角度认识伦敦风貌,增广见闻。 My fellow Board Members joined me in leading a group of 23 Student Ambassadors to London, where they learnt more about the metropolis from diverse perspectives and thus broadened their horizons. 东华三院学生大使伦敦参访团 TWGHs Student Ambassadors London Tour 2023 季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 2023一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 我们与中国驻英国大使馆蔡艳艳公参(前排右 四)、孔祥文参赞(前排左三)及代表会面。 We visited the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and met with Ms. CAI Yan Yan (front row, right 4), the Minister Counsellor, Mr. KONG Xiang Wen (front row, left 3), Counsellor and other Chinese officials. SPEED 18-24/01 香港驻伦敦经济贸易办事处 The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London 中国银行伦敦分行 The Bank of China London Branch 伦敦华埠商会主办的新春庆祝活动和巴士巡游 Chinese New Year Celebration and Bus Parade organised by London Chinatown Chinese Association 牛津大学 Oxford University 阿仙奴球会 Arsenal Football Club