2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

领导管治Governance and Chairmanship 95 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 董事局探访「共创明Teen」计划受惠家庭 Board of Directors Visited Beneficiaries of “Strive and Rise Programme” 25/02 我与董事局成员上门探访该计划的受惠对象,了解他们的生活状况,为他们送上关怀与祝福。 My fellow Board Members and I visited the beneficiaries to learn more about their lives and send our best regards. 与属校校长及副校长会面 Meeting with TWGHs School Principals and Deputy Principals 董事局与54所院属中学、小学、幼稚园和特殊学校的校长及副校长会面,以促进本院与属校的交流,并感谢他们的贡献。 The Board of Directors met with the school principals and deputy principals of 54 TWGHs secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens, and special schools to facilitate the communication between the Group and its affiliated schools, and to express the Group's gratitude to the management team of the schools for their contributions. 06/01