2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

领导管治Governance and Chairmanship 96 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 2022/2023年度周年会员大会及 2023/2024年度董事局互选 TWGHs Annual General Meeting 2022/2023 and Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen Among the New Directors of the Board 2023/2024 02/03 恭喜各位当选为癸卯年董事局成员,携手弘扬东华三院的慈善精神,传承本院善业火炬。 Congratulations to each and every member of the Board of Directors 2023/2024! Let's join hands in passing down the philanthropic spirit of TWGHs. 欢送壬寅年董事局 Bidding Farewell to TWGHs Board of Directors 2022/2023 28/03 能够与各董事局成员及东华人共事,实属荣幸,衷心感谢各位支持! The honour was mine to have the privilege of working with my fellow Board Members and all other TWGHs People. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your great support!