TWGHs won “Energy Saving Award of Excellence” and“Joint Energy Saving Award” at “CLP GREENPLUS Recognition Award 2014”
TWGHs launched the programme of “TWGHs To Move Towards A Green Organization” in 2009 to implement full scale green measures in operating its medical, education, community services and rental properties. With the outstanding achievements in energy saving across the Group, the Group was awarded the“Energy Saving Award of Excellence”, “Joint Energy Saving Award” and 8 merits at the “CLP GREENPLUS Recognition Award 2014”. An annual carbon audit for the Group has been also launched this year, and the Group will devise corresponding objectives and targets from time to time for continuous improvement in sustaining its green footprint.
TWGHs won the“ Energy Saving Award of Excellence”a nd the“ Joint Energy Saving Award”at the“ CLP GREENPLUS Recognition Award 2014”.
Mr. Vinci WONG (right 2), Vice-Chairman, received“Energy Saving Award of Excellence” on behalf of TWGHs
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