Move Towards A Green Organization –Indoor Air Quality Improvement Works
In order to provide a better working environment for TWGHs' staff, an indoor air quality assessment was conducted at the TWGHs Administration Headquarters, and follow-up works have been conducted according to the suggestions.
In order to enhance the ventilation system, a series of improvement works recommended by the mechanical and electrical consultant were carried out, including the replacement of primary air handling unit with larger capacity, and installation of louvers and exhaust fans. According to the indoor air quality certification report, the indoor air quality of the Administration Headquarters was in full compliance with “Good Class” grade of the “Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places”.
Replacement of primary air handling unit with larger capacity so as to increase the intake of fresh air.
Ventilation fans were installed on 1/F to 10/F so as to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide.
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