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Thanks for your support!


All direct expenses of the event have been sponsored by TWGHs Board of Directors and no administrative costs will be deducted from the donations of the general public to ensure all public donations will go directly to our services.

Monthly Donation Amount $200, Your Annual Donation Can…
Medical and Health Service
Support a hospitalized child with cerebral palsy to receive 8 sessions of acupuncture treatment.
Education Service
Support a student with dyslexia to have a 10-session elementary English reading training.
Community Service
Support 80 nutritious hot meals for low-income families to ease their financial burden, especially those living in cage homes, cubicles and sub-divided flats without cooking facilities.
Historical Archives and Cultural Preservation
Support the production of 1,500 digital files of historical archives in the Tung Wah Museum for preserving the history of TWGHs and Hong Kong.
Traditional Services
Support 3 free coffins for the people in need.
Monthly Donation Amount $500, Your Annual Donation Can…
Medical and Health Service
Support a patient with end-stage renal failure to receive 14 haemodialysis treatments.
Education Service
Support a student with autism to have a 14-session of social skills training.
Community Service
Support 200 nutritious hot meals for low-income families to ease their financial burden, especially those living in cage homes, cubicles and sub-divided flats without cooking facilities.
Historical Archives and Cultural Preservation
Your 6-year donation can support the restoration of a historical plaque in Tung Wah Museum.

Traditional Services
Support 1 deprived family to receive 1 free funeral service.