Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Media Centre

Autumn Sacrificial Rites of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Over hundreds of guests including Board Members of Tung Wah, Consul-Generals, local dignitaries and senior government officials gathered at the Man Mo Temple, Hollywood Road in Sheung Wan to attend the Autumn Sacrificial Rites on 2 November.

The Autumn Sacrificial Rites is an annual event organized by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) to pay homage to the two Gods “Man Ti” (the Civil God) and “Mo Ti” (the Martial God), and to invoke peace and prosperity for the people of Hong Kong. The practice arose from the Chinese tradition of offering thanks-giving to God for an abundant harvest.

Dr. The Hon. Leo Tung-hai LEE, GBM, GBS, Cav. Gr. Croce, OBE, Chev. Leg. d’Hon., Comm. Leopold II, LLD, JP, Member of the Tung Wah Advisory Board cum Chairman of the Association of Chairmen of TWGHs, accompanied by Dr. John LEE, Chairman of Tung Wah, and other Board Members, officiated at the ceremony and performed the rites, while Dr. LIU Lit-mo, MBE, JP, Member of the Tung Wah Advisory Board cum Chairman of Tung Wah 1967/1968, acted as the Master of Ceremonies and Mr. LAI Sze-nuen, BBS, JP, Chairman of Tung Wah (1969/1970), read the sacrificial odes. The official party dressed in traditional Chinese robes to show their respect to the ceremony.

Among the distinguished guests were officials from the Home Affairs Bureau, Consul-Generals and Commissioners from countries including Belgium, Germany, Italy, Myanmar and Spain, members of the Chinese Temples Committee, Lee’s Clansman Association. Also paying homage in the event included Chairman Dr. John LEE, Vice-Chairmen Mr. Charles CHANG, Mrs. Viola CHAN, Mr. Ivan SZE, Directors Mr. Thomas LI, Mr. Frederick FUNG, Ms. FUNG Dan Lai, Dr. Benny KWONG, Mrs. Selena YOUNG TSENG, Mr. Edwin TAM, Dato’ Dr. K.K. WONG, Mrs. Katherine MA, Dr. CHAN Chi Sun, Miss Iris LEUNG and Dr. LEE Yuk Lun.

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Accompanied by the Board of Directors of Tung Wah, Dr. The Hon. Leo Tung-hai LEE, GBM, GBS, Cav. Gr. Croce, OBE, Chev. Leg. dHon., Comm. Leopold II, LLD, JP, performed the rites.

Board Members of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and guests gathered for a group photo in front of Man Mo Temple.

Photo 1 : Accompanied by the Board of Directors of Tung Wah, Dr. The Hon. Leo Tung-hai LEE, GBM, GBS, Cav. Gr. Croce, OBE, Chev. Leg. d’Hon., Comm. Leopold II, LLD, JP, performed the rites.

Photo 2 : Board Members of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and guests gathered for a group photo in front of Man Mo Temple.