1869 |
Reports of appalling hygiene conditions in the l-tsz in Tai Ping Shan District, where terminal patients without means have spent their final days, shock the public. Governor Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell consents to the foundings of a Chinese medicine hospital |
1870 |
Tung Wah Hospital is founded and provision of free medical services commences |
1872 |
Opening of Tung Wah Hospital |
1873 |
Tung Wah obtains permission from the government to purchase properties with surplus funds in the care of the Registrar General, so that more income can be generated. The shop at 40 Wing Lok Fong (present-day Wing Lok Street) is acquired for 3,420 taels of silver, thus marking the beginning of Tung Wah’s acquisition of tenement properties |
1874 |
In the wake of a furious typhoon that hits Hong Kong, Tung Wah assists with post-disaster work by burying unclaimed remains of victims. This is the first time Tung Wah have participated in local disaster relief |
1877 |
North China is struck by a severe drought that claims over 10 million lives. The natural calamity is referred as the “Severe Drought of Ding-Wu”. The Directors of the Tung Wah Hospital successfully raise $160,000 among Chinese merchants in Hong Kong, and ports of Southeast Asia to provide emergency relief to victims in mainland China. Qing emperor, Guangxu bestows the plaque Shen Wei Pu You (the god protects all) to Tung Wah Hospital in 1879 to commend its fund-raising efforts |
1880 |
The Man Mo Temple Free School is founded. It was later managed by Tung Wah Hospital and become the first Tung Wah free school |
1885 |
A plaque is bestowed by the Guangxu Emperor to Tung Wah in commemoration of its contribution to raising fund for the flood victims in Guangdong |
1896 |
The Tung Wah Hospital is harshly criticized for inadequate anti-plague efforts. The Report of the Commission to Inquire into the Working and Organization of Tung Wah Hospital proposes the introduction of Western medical services and a permanent Advisory Board |
1908 |
The government enacts the Man Mo Temple Ordinance allowing Tung Wah to officially take over management of the temple and its properties |
1911 |
Serving the Chinese members of the community, the Kwong Wah Hospital is founded as the first hospital in Kowloon and the New Territories |
1912 |
Start receiving government subsidy for setting up free schools |
1922 |
The Kwong Wah Hospital sets up a nurse’s training school to train local nurses
An anonymous woman makes generous donations in the sum of $50,580 so that free Chinese medicine can be offered at the Kwong Wah Hospital. Tung Wah’s Board of Directors is deeply moved by the lady’s kindness and goes on to raise another $70,000. The Kwong Wah Hospital thus begins offering free Chinese medicine as part of its services |
1928 |
The Tung Wah Hospital Nurse’s Training School is established on 1 January
The Chinese Temple Committee orders the general committee of the Tin Hua Temple in Yau Ma Tei to hand over temple management and all properties to the Kwong Wah Hospital |
1929 |
Setting up of Tung Wah Eastern Hospital |
1931 |
Amalgamation of Tung Wah Hospital, Kwong Wah Hospital and Tung Wah Eastern Hospital into a single entity named “Tung Wah Group of Hospitals” under the management of one Board of Directors |
1938 |
After the establishment of a Medical Committee requested by the government, TWGHs receives full government subsidy for its medical services and is subject to government regulation. This marks the inclusion of TWGHs into the government’s institutional framework |
1941 |
The Tung Wah Eastern Hospital is requisitioned for use as a military hospital first by British and then, occupying Japanese forces. During this time, the Tung Wah and Kwong Wah hospitals continue to provide limited services
All Tung Wah schools are suspended after the fall of Hong Kong |
1944 |
Toward the end of Japanese occupation, TWGHs experiences a severe lack of funding and can only offer limited medical services. In the face of these financial difficulties, TWGHs Directors discuss whether hospital operations should cease. By December, the Board of Directors decides to terminate its programme of offering free Chinese medicine to the public |
1945 |
As a result of the influx of post-war immigrants, TWGHs engages in relief work and helps the unemployed return to their respective hometowns |
1946 |
Tung Wah Hospitals Hong Kong No. 1 Free Primary and Tung Wah Hospitals Kowloon No. 1 Free Primary schools resume classes |
1948 |
Classes resume in all TWGHs schools |
1949 |
Refugees flock to Hong Kong from mainland China. TWGHs reopens its Temporary Shelter, which soon fills to capacity. Fortunately, with generous public support, TWGHs manages to provide refugees with food, winter clothing and other supplies. Later, the Group help refugees relocate to the Tiu Keng Leng Refugee Camp, Taiwan or other overseas destinations |
1953 |
Founding of Sandy Bay Infirmary (renamed TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital in 1994) |
1955 |
Opening of the first Government subvented primary school |
1958 |
Work begins for Kwong Wah Hospital’s massive redevelopment project |
1961 |
Commencement of operation of TWGHs No. 1 College (now named TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College) |
1965 |
Establishment of Wong Tai Sin Infirmary (renamed TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital in 1993) |
1968 |
Establishment of the first day nursery (now named TWGHs Ng Sheung Lan Memorial Day Nursery) |
1970 |
As TWGHs celebrates the centenary of its founding, the Board of Directors resolves to establish Tung Wah Museum by converting the Main Hall of Kwong Wah Hospital built in 1911 |
1971 |
Initiate the provision of non-profit funeral services (setting up Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour in 1971 and International Funeral Parlour in 1980)
Establishment of the first youth centre (TWGHs Yu Mak Yuen Youth Centre, which was renamed TWGHs Yu Mak Yuen Integrated Services Centre in 2004) |
1972 |
Commencement of service of the first home for the aged (now named TWGHs David Trench Home for the Elderly) |
1973 |
Start receiving government subsidy for the provision of community services |
1979 |
Broadcast the first Tung Wah Charity Gala jointly with Television Broadcasts Limited, the most long-lasting television charity live programme in the history of Hong Kong |
1980 |
Establishment of the first kindergarten (now named TWGHs Liu Yan Tak Memorial Kindergarten) |
1981 |
Establishment of the first special school (now named TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School) |
1984 |
The Board of Directors visits Beijing and meets with mainland government officials. This is the first exchange with mainland authorities since the birth of the New China in 1949 |
1989 |
Introduce the first Free Medical Services Donation Scheme jointly with Commercial Radio I |
1990 |
Initiate the setting up of the first well women clinic at Kwong Wah Hospital |
1991 |
- The 5 hospitals of Tung Wah join the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong
- Establishment of the first social service building in Hong Kong (TWGHs Tai Tung Pui Social Service Building)
1994 |
- Setting up of the first sheltered workshop (now named TWGHs Mok Law Sui Wah Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Centre)
1997 |
- Initiate TWGHs Out-reaching Home Care Services for the Elderly
- Establishment of the TWGHs Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex, being the largest in Southeast Asia
- Organize the first “Tung Wah Charity Gala – Charity Golf Tournament at Mission Hills Golf Club”, and receive enormous support from donors over the years
2000 |
- Establishment of the first Integrated Services Centre (TWGHs Jockey Club Lei Tung Integrated Services Centre)
- Restoration work at TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong Outpatient Building in Kwong Wah Hospital is completed. Later that same year, a diagnostic centre for cardiovascular disease is established
2001 |
- Establishment of the first Chinese medicine clinical centre (Kwong Wah Hospital – The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinical Research and Services Centre)
2002 |
- Establishment of the first Social Enterprise (Enterprise Vegetable & Fruit Processing and Supply Services)
- TWGHs CROSS Centre is established to provide anti-drug prevention, counselling and treatment to psychotropic substance abusers and alcohol abusers
2003 |
- Kwong Wah Hospital admits the SARS index patient. Owing to strengthened Infection Control measures, there is no outbreak of SARS in the hospital. In the month that follows when the community is hard stricken by SARS, Tung Wah actively supports the government’s anti-SARS programme by serving as a resource centre by providing consultation facilities, Chinese herb medicine and decocting services for the 2 invited Chinese medicine professors from the Guangdong Provincial Chinese Medicine Hospital to treat SARS patients. A donation programme is organized after SARS
- Tung Wah Hospital – The University of Hong Kong Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine is set up as the first Chinese medicine centre in the public sector under Hospital Authority.
- Setting up of the first dental health centre for senior citizens at Kwong Wah Hospital
- TWGHs Even Centre, Hong Kong’s first counselling centre for problem gambling, is inaugurated
- Restoration works on the Tung Wah’s Coffin Home begins
2004 |
- Initiate the setting up of the first well men clinic at Kwong Wah Hospital (renamed TWGHs Integrated Diagnostic and Medical Centre in 2009)
- The opening of TWGHs Yu Mak Yuen Integrated Services Centre
2005 |
- The restoration project of Tung Wah Coffin Home wins the Award of Merit in the Asia Pacific Heritage Awards, which is organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Award of Honour in the Heritage Preservation and Conservation Awards (2004), which is organized by the Antiquities and Monuments Office of the HKSAR government
- Establishment of a community college to provide Associate Degree Programmes and Pre-Associate Degree Programmes
- Engage the Department of History of The Chinese University of Hong Kong on the Research Project on the Archives of TWGHs, giving an in-depth analysis on century-long development of TWGHs and its relationship with the changing society of Hong Kong (a set of 5 volumes on the archival research projects was published in March 2010)
- Publish the 135 anniversary commemorative publication on the “Research Study on History of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals” on a collection of valuable references of the history of Hong Kong and TWGHs
2006 |
- Introduce the integrated Chinese and Western Medicine treatment services for inpatients at Kwong Wah Hospital and Tung Wah Hospital; same services are introduced at TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital (2007), Tung Wah Eastern Hospital (2008) and TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital (2009)
- Start the TWGHs Oral History Research Project jointly with the Centre of Asian Studies of The University of Hong Kong, setting a trend for organization-based oral history research in Hong Kong
2007 |
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community College is inaugurated, offering associate degree and pre-associate degree programmes in line with the new secondary education policy
- CEASE Crisis Centre is established with government’s subsidy to provide intervention and support services, 24-hour hotline service, outreaching service and short-term accommodation service for victims of sexual violence and individuals / families encountering domestic violence or other family crises
- The 14-year old HO Hoi Lam from TWGHs Lo Kon Ting College scores 9 distinctions in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, breaking the youngest candidate record with such distinguished results in the Examination
- TWGHs Yiu Dak Chi Memorial Primary Schools is selected by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of Olympiad as the only school representing Hong Kong to join the Beijing 2008 Olympic Game “Heart to Heart” educational exchange programme
2008 |
- Become the first charitable organization funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund to implement large-scale and integrated green programmes
- Win the Consumer’s Choice (Grand Prize) in the “Non-profit Organization, Charity & Fund Raising Organization” Category in the Hong Kong Corporate Branding Award organized by the MSc in Marketing Programme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ming Pao Newspapers Limited
- Fund-raising work towards the relief work for the earthquake disaster in Sichuan is organized and more than $17 million is raised. Adding the the allocation of $3 million by TWGHs Board, over $20 million is donated for the relief work
2009 |
- Establishment of TWGHs Wilson T.S. Wang Center of Integrated Health Management practising Chinese medicine philosophy in preventive treatment
- Establish Computed Tomography Imaging Centre, introducing the most advanced 320-slice Dynamic Volume Computed Tomography Scanner
- Subsidized by the government, TWGHs establishes the first Integrated Centre on Smoking Cessation in the territory
- With grants from the government, the “Food-for-all-short-term Food Assistance Service” is launched to provide food assistance to people in need. The TWGHs Charitable Food Relief Fund is set up with the support from the Board of Directors to provide food assistance to those low income families who fall out of the scope of government’s food assistance service
- Sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for collaborations on Chinese medicine development with the Paris Public Hospital Authority in France, representing the first-ever MOU of its kind ever signed in European countries with external parties
- Launch the pilot scheme of “Dying-in-Home” , a new initiative in medical-social collaboration
- Debut a commemorative film “Merry-Go-Round” for the 140th anniversary celebration of TWGHs and use it as a medium to communicate the TWGHs spirit to the public
2010 |
- Declaration of Man Mo Temple and Tung Wah Museum as monuments under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap.53)
- Receive the Gold Award of Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizen Award launched by the Hong Kong Productivity Council
- TWGHs is awarded two prizes in the “Hong Kong Corporate Branding Award 2010” namely “Consumers’ Choice Grand Prize” in the “Non-profit, Charitable and non-governmental organizations” category, and the “Consumers’ Choice – Socially Responsible Enterprise”
- Commission the University of Hong Kong to conduct an image audit. According to the findings, TWGHs is the most well-known and the most trust-worthy charitable organization in Hong Kong
- Four teachers from TWGHs Li Ka Shing College are awarded the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence
- Setting up of the first haemodialysis centre at Kwong Wah Hospital
- The Friends of Tung Wah Monthly Donation Scheme is first launched to create a new source of donation income in addition to one-off donation programmes to develop and maintain services for people in need
- The establishment of the Education Psychology Service Centre to provide psychology service to TWGHs schools and other schools
- Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and TWGHs, “Hong Kong, Benevolent City: Tung Wah and the Growth of Chinese Communities” exhibition in the Hong Kong Museum of History is the first and largest-scale charity exhibition in Hong Kong
- Publish the 140th anniversary commemorative publication to give an in-depth analysis of the relations between the societal changes and the landmark achievements of TWGHs from the Group’s establishment in 1870 up to 1997 which marks the end of colonial ruling of government
2011 |
- The Tung Wah College gains approval from the Education Bureau to launch the 4-year degree programme under the Post-secondary College Ordinance (Cap 320)
- Hope Development Accounts Programme receives the “Outstanding Partnership Project Award 2010-11” under the Caring Company Scheme
- TWGHs Administration Headquarters receives ISO 14001 Certification for Environmental Management
- Establish “TWGHs Outreaching Dental Services for Elderly Homes” to provide free primary dental care services to the elderly in residential care homes and day care centres
- Two Chinese medicine mobile clinics operate on coaches
- Pilot the Hong Kong’s first Chinese medicine self-service registration and payment system in Chinese Medicine Specialist and General Outpatient Services
- Merry-Go-Round is elected as the No.1 Film on the chart “Top 10 Chinese Language Films 2010”. “Here to Stay” from the movie wins the Best Original Film Song at the 30th Hong Kong Film Awards. The movie is also nominated for the “Best Cinematography” award in the Film Awards
- Organize the first “I-Run Hong Kong Special Marathon 2011” in Hong Kong
2012 |
- With support from the government, TWGHs launched the Tin Sau Bazaar in Tin Shui Wai, leasing stalls to the underprivileged at a low rate.
- In the 2013/2014 Budget Address, the government has made provisions for the Kwong Wah Hospital Redevelopment Project.
- Establishment of the TWGHs Integrated Centre on Addiction Prevention and Treatment to provide multi-disciplinary integrated treatment and services.
- To advocate the government policy of “Ageing in place” and “Continuum of care”, TWGHs has commenced the construction of TWGHs Jockey Club Sunshine Complex for the Elderly (originally TWGHs David Trench Home for the Elderly), with the support of TWGHs Board of Directors, Social Welfare Department, and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The Complex will provide modern, diversified and one-stop services to the elderly.
2013 |
- The redevelopment project for TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College, TWGHs’ first secondary school in Kowloon, has commenced.
- The Education Bureau has approved the relocation of TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School to Fanling and the target completion date is 2016
- The launch of Tin Sau Bazaar
- For the succession of knowledge and experience of experts, a pilot ”Centre for Succession of Renowned Chinese Medicine Practitioners” was established to facilitate clinical teaching, academic exchange and clinical experience
2014 |
- “Transpacific Ties Bridging Hong Kong and Los Angeles Through Art Exhibition”, the first-ever tripartite joint Exhibition between Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs), Chinese American Museum (CAM), Los Angeles and the Southern California-based Chinese Parents Association for the Disabled (CPAD), allowed public to recognize the talent of disabled artistic and promote social inclusion.
- TWGHs awarded the Chinese American Museum (CAM) by the Humanitarian Award by, in recognition of its wide-ranging charitable efforts that have spanned in Chinese history.
- Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Long Love Integrated Family Service Centre, TWGHs Lok Hong Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness and iCare Kitchen, and TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Workshop cum Hostel.
2015 |
- To celebrate TWGHs’ 145th anniversary, TWGHs has planned a whole year of exciting initiatives. In addition, TWGHs has partnered with Hong Kong Commercial Radio to roll out a series of programme under the theme “万大善事有东华”
- The Race Course Fire Memorial was declared and gazetted by the Government as a monument
- the “Tales of the Distant Past: The Story of Hong Kong and the Chinese Diaspora” was again jointly organized with the Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles
- Launch a new social enterprise, WashEasy enhancing employment of people with disabilities
2016 |
- Set up the “Rinato Eco Floral Shop”, the first-ever social enterprise floral shop operated by the hearing-impaired, and the production centre for CookEasy, another TWGHs social centre was opened
- The THGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre, which is a permanent heritage conservation centre of TWGHs was unveiled
- TWGHs Lee Yen & Lee Yuk Lun, JP, Father & Son Centralized Decoction Centre, the first and biggest of its kind run a non-profit organization was opened
- Carry out the redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital
- With support of the Home Affairs Department, Wong Tai Sin District Office and Wong Tai Sin District Council, the Aurora and Snow Carnival at the Morse Park was organised
2017 |
- TWGHs Lukfook Group Chinese Medicine Clinic, the first community Chinese medicine clinic of TWGHs, was opened.
- TWGHs Endoscopy Centre was established.
- The Repository of the TWGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre was named Ginny Man Archives Repository.
- The new campus of Wong Fut Nam College was officially opened
- TWGHs Jockey Club Sunshine Complex for the Elderly (formerly named TWGHs David Trench Home for the Elderly) was officially opened.
- TWGHs Lucina Laam Ho Kindergarten began operation.
- The 3-year project “Intelligent Robots for SEN Children Learning” was launched, with support from funds under the “HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme”
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy of Tung Wah College became the first self-financing post-secondary institution in Hong Kong to provide a recognized degree programme in occupational therapy.
- To celebrate the 170th Anniversary of TWGHs Man Mo Temple, the first “Praising the Constellations Rites (Zan-xing Rites)” was held.
- The TWGHs Records and Heritage Office worked with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) Conservation Office to launch the “Student Conservation Ambassador Programme” for the first time.
- A new aided primary school premises at Queen’s Hill was granted by the Education Bureau to TWGHs. The new campus is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2021.
2018 |
- The “Fortune Loft-Youth Co-Living Space” was launched to offer affordable co-living space for young people.
- Hong Kong’s first charity run into theme park, “The Federation of Hong Kong Footwear Ltd. presents: TWGHs Halloween Charity Run at Hong Kong Disneyland” was held.
- TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School was officially opened.
- Yau Ma Tei Tin Hau Festival was resumed to inherit local traditions and culture.
- “Our Future, Our Teenagers — Belt and Road Exchange Project” was first held, aiming to broaden students’ horizons and enrich their knowledge on cities along the Belt and Road.
- TWGHs was successful in bidding in 2017 for operating a new primary school in Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin. The TWGHs Shui Tsuen O Primary School started school on a temporary campus in Mei Lam Estate, Tai Wai in September 2018, while the permanent campus is scheduled for completion in 2022.
- The “Easy Ride Transportation Service” for frail elders project commenced to provide free pick-up and drop-off service to frail elders, disabled persons aged over 50 and their carers for medical appointments at hospitals and clinics.
- The “Tenancy Management for Senior-owner Occupiers” project was launched, aiming to help the elders who are intended or admitted to elderly homes manage their own idle properties, so that they can improve their quality of life with extra rental incomes.
2019 |
- TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour was officially opened.
- TWGHs M Ho Integrated Rehabilitation Centre was opened to provide one-stop physiotherapy and Chinese medicine rehabilitation services.
- TWGHs Wong Wu Lai Ming Chinese Medicine Clinic, the second community Chinese medicine clinic of TWGHs, was opened.
- TWGHs Engage was opened to provide a platform for young elders to develop their interest and potentials in order to attain meaningful retired lives.
- YO Centre was set up to assist young elders to plan and execute their meaningful and fruitful retirement life in order to maintain both their physical and psychological well-being.
- Yiu Tung Community Kitchen, the first community kitchen of TWGHs on Hong Kong Island, was set up.
- “The Oasis Youth Co-working Space” was set up to support young entrepreneurs and start-ups with a wide range of leasing options and training and supporting services.
- Lee Yen & Lee Yuk Lun, BBS, JP, Father & Son Lohas Villa was established. It was the first Supported Hostel of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals to provide group home living for people with disabilities who are 15 years old or above and capable of semi-independent living.
- TWGHs Katherine Ma Kindergarten started student recruitment.
- The digitization workshop of the TWGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre was named “Merry-Go-Round Digital Studio”.
- The conservation workshop of the TWGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre was named as “Willy Tsoi Wing Yuet Conservation Room”
- “Man Mo Lounge” was established to organize workshops and interest classes related to Chinese culture and crafts for the public.
- Two new school premises at Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong were allocated to TWGHs by the Education Bureau in September 2019, for the purpose of operating 2 special schools, including 1 for children with mild intellectual disability, and the other with boarding facilities, for children with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities. The 2 premises are expected to be available in 2026.
- New school premises at Hoi Lok Court, Cheung Sha Wan was allocated to TWGHs by the Education Bureau in May 2019 for the establishment of Mr. & Mrs. Tam Kam Kau Kindergarten, which is the 18th kindergarten of TWGHs.
2020 |
- To celebrate TWGHs’ 150th anniversary, TWGHs staged a whole year of ingenious celebrations and charity events with the theme “For Charity, We Go Beyond”.
- Tung Wah Coffin Home successfully applied for the Private Columbaria License in early 2020. Its columbaria rental service has then been open for public application to ease the acute demand for columbaria.
- TWGHs Medical Centre (North Point) came into operation, providing. comprehensive and one-stop medical services ranging from physical examination, diagnostic, Western medicine specialist, dental and pharmacy services.
- Tung Wah College (TWC) – Kwai Hing Campus was officially opened.
- TWC received the first programme area accreditation status, which is the first step to become a private university.
- Part of the workshop in TWGHs Jockey Club Ngai Chun Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Centre was converted into “Medical Mask Production Cleanroom”. Its product iMask has obtained the professional certifications of ASTM F2100 Level I, II and III, and was open for order.
- The Relics Repository of TWGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre was named as“TWGHs Board of Directors 2019/2020 Relics Repository”
- “Heritage Over a Century: Tung Wah Museum and Heritage Conservation” Exhibition was launched in collaboration with the Antiquities and Monuments Office, in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of TWGHs, the 50th Anniversary of Tung Wah Museum and the 10th Anniversary of monument declaration of the Museum.
- “Hand-in-Hand for Benevolence – Tung Wah’s Fundraising Culture and Social Development” Exhibition was jointly organised with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of TWGHs.
- The School, Yaumatei Self-service Bookstore opened, selling books related to Hong Kong and Chinese history, Hong Kong topics and religious philosophy, and culturally creative products.
- Humanities: For Commemoration of 120th Anniversary of Tung Wah Coffin Home was published, narrating the history and development of Tung Wah Coffin Home in the past 120 years.
- “Tai See Altar” at Kwun Yum Temple, Tsz Wan Shan was reinstated.
- The bilingual version of Fallen leaves returning to their roots: A selection of archives on the bone repatriation service of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for overseas Chinese was published.
2021 |
- TWGHs Full Life Day Care Centre for the Elderly was named as “TWGHs Hua Fen Day Care Centre for the Elderly”.
- TWGHs SMART Centre was named as “TWGHs Chan Un Chan SMART Centre”.
- TWGHs Project YEE (Youth · Entrepreneurship · Empowerment) was officially launched.
- Awarded by the Social Welfare Department to operate new service units at Siu Lam Integrated Rehabilitation Service Complex ─TWGHs Siu Lam OLIVE-Courtyard.
- The 3rd TWGHs Chinese Medicine Mobile Clinic was launched.
- The 110th Anniversary of Kwong Wah Hospital.
- The 20th Anniversary of Kwong Wah Hospital ― The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinical Research and Services Centre.
- The 10th Anniversary of Tung Wah College (TWC).
- TWGHs Katherine Ma Kindergarten was officially opened.
- Hand-in-Hand for Benevolence: 150 Years of History of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals of Hong Kong was published to include the Chinese manuscript of a history book of the Group from its establishment to 2020 on the development of corporate governance, medical and health, education and community services, fund-raising, traditional services and property, as well as heritage conservation.
- Fallen leaves returning to their roots: A selection of archives on the bone repatriation service of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for overseas Chinese published by the Group won the “Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2021″ organised by the Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society under the category of Social Sciences, as well as the “14th Hong Kong Book Prize” organised by RTHK and Hong Kong Publishing Federation.
- “Shop by Man Mo Temple” at Central Market commenced operation.
2022 |
- TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School was officially opened.
- TWGHs Chi-Li Pao School was established.
- TWGHs Mr. & Mrs. Tam Kam Kau Kindergarten was officially opened.
- TWGHs Lok Yung District Support Centre (Islands) commenced operation.
- A TWGHs nursery school in Wan Chai was named as “TWGHs Mr. & Mrs. Lee Yin Yee Nursery School”.
2023 |
- TWGHs joined the city-wide celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR and reached out to all sectors for joining and co-organising various events, including the participation in the “Celebrations for All” project of the HKSAR Government, presenting an “HZM Bridge Car Parade” as Title Sponsor, and organising a Variety Show and a Historical Buildings Photo Competition themed TWGHs buildings with historical values, etc.
- Construction of the Phase 1 redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) was completed. Hospital services were planned to be moved in gradually for operation from the 1st quarter of 2023.
- The new campus of TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School was completed and commenced.
- Held TWGHs Student Ambassadors Education Tours and visited Singapore and London.
- Tung Wah College (TWC) held its 1st Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony conferring honorary fellowships on 4 distinguished individuals, namely Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP, Non-official Member of the Executive Council, Dr. LEE Chung Tak, Joseph, GBS, JP, Prof. FUNG Yuk Kuen, Sylvia, BBS, and Dr. LI Wai Tat, Walton, in recognition of their contributions to TWC and society.
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy Programme at Tung Wah College (TWC) received professional recognition.
- The Groundbreaking Ceremony of TWGHs “E-Co Village” was held and the construction is expected to be completed by the 3rd quarter of 2023.
- TWGHs Holistic Centre for Youth Development (Tentative Name) was established in the 1st quarter of 2023.
- Construction of TWGHs Transitional Housing Project in Lok Wo Sha, Ma On Shan and the TWGHs Transitional Housing Project in Muk On Street, Kai Tak was commenced.
- The research project on the “Nursing Education of Kwong Wah Hospital”, co-organised by TWGHs and the Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, was completed. All findings were published in a book titled Nursing Education at Kwong Wah Hospital.
- TWGHs set up the platform TWGHs NFT Marketplace.
- TWGHs launched its Corporate Branding Video 2022 “Tung Wah · Dedication to Charity · Devotion for Centuries” and clinched the Best of Category Grand Award for “Video – DVD/Online/USB” in 2022/2023 MERCURY Excellence Awards for the first time.
2024 |
- TWGHs held a sharing session on the spirit of the “two sessions”, and visited various leading officials for in-depth exchanges and collaboration.
- TWGHs has earmarked internal resources for setting up 2 District Services & Community Care Teams to offer various caring services to the communities.
- To fully support the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election, the TWGHs Board of Directors and school principals of the Group showed up in promotional videos, appealing the public to cast their votes at District Council Election for a better community on 10 December 2023.
- China Resources Longdation and TWGHs signed a comprehensive partnership agreement to strengthen cooperation on integrated community services, youth education, employment assistance and other areas for the benefit of Hong Kong and the mainland of China.
- Insights into Cancer Treatments, written by Mr. XIE Guocai, Chinese medicine consultant practitioners of TWGHs, was available for sale, as the authors aimed to share the clinical experience with their peers and the wider public.
- Phase 1 Building in Kwong Wah Hospital Redevelopment was officially open.
- TWGHs enhanced professional exchange and cooperation with educational institutions in the mainland of China and overseas, by forming sister school relationships with over 100 Mainland schools, and organising TWGHs Student Ambassadors Education Tours to Vancouver BC.
- Tung Wah College underwent a change in the membership of its Board of Governors and College Council with the aim of maintaining its good governance.
- Construction of TWGHs “T-Loft@Lau Fau” Transitional Housing Project funded by the Housing Bureau in Lau Fau Shan commenced.
- Construction of TWGHs “T-Loft@Kai Tak” Transitional Housing Project funded by the Housing Bureau was completed for formal occupation.
- TWGHs TungPo, the holistic centre for youth development, was officially open.
- The “Designated Hotline for Carer Support 182 183” operated by TWGHs commenced operation, providing carers with support services including counselling, referral, and crisis assessment.
- TWGHs Siu Lam OLIVE-Courtyard commenced operation upon completion of its construction works.
- TWGHs North Point Child Development Centre, the first non-Chinese speaking special child care centre in Hong Kong operated by TWGHs, commenced operation.
- TWGHs secured the right to operate GREEN@TIN HAU.
- Hand-in-Hand for benevolence: 150 Years of History of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals of Hong Kong Press published by TWGHs was awarded the “Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2023: Social Sciences Category”.
- Bin Li Wei An – A Brief History of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Funeral Services (1971-2022) was published to review the development of TWGHs’ modern funeral service in the past 50 years and more.
- TWGHs resumed “Yau Ma Tei Tin Hau Festival” and the Autumn Sacrificial Rites of TWGHs Man Mo Temple.
- TWGHs secured another 5-year Operating Rights Contract for Hung Hom Public Funeral Parlour (i.e. Global Funeral Parlour).