Tung Wah Group of Hospitals “Good People, Good Deeds: English Writing Competition 2024-25″
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
“Good People, Good Deeds: English Writing Competition 2024-25”
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Partner Organisations
- Native-Speaking English Teacher Section, Education Bureau
- Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- School Partnership and Field Experience Office, The Education University of Hong Kong
- Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
(In no particular order)
Good People, Good Deeds
- To provide students with the opportunity to pay tribute to those who live up to the ideals of our community and put into practice universal moral values including dignity, kindness, respect, impartiality and the spirit of humanity; and
- To promote students’ interest in writing and the use of English language.
The Competition provides young writers with a platform to explore the world of writing, to stretch their imagination; and most importantly, to infuse positive energy into society, thus fostering social cohesion and promoting care, mutual help and solidarity in the local community. Students may write how a person can make a difference simply by showing love, appreciation and kindness to people around them.
Levels of Entry
The Competition is divided into three levels:
- Junior (Primary 4 – Primary 6)
- Middle (Secondary 1 – Secondary 3)
- Senior (Secondary 4 – Secondary 6)
Each school may submit the best 10 entries per level, for which certificates of participation will be awarded to the participants when the Programme is completed.
All entries must be submitted by school. Entry submitted by individual party will not be considered.
Adjudicating Panel
- Native-Speaking English Teacher Section, Education Bureau
- Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- School Partnership and Field Experience Office, The Education University of Hong Kong
- Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
(In no particular order)
Judging Criteria
- Ability to inspire and empower the readers with positive energy
- Originality, imagination and content
- Development of ideas / the plot and characters
- Use of language
- Performance in the interview (for finalists only)
Word Limits
The word limits for the different levels are as follows:
- For Junior level, an entry not exceeding 500 words
- For Middle level, an entry not exceeding 700 words
- For Senior level, an entry not exceeding 1,000 words
Awards for each level
Gold (HK$3,000 book voucher)
Silver (HK$2,000 book voucher)
Bronze (HK$1,000 book voucher)
Merit (HK$ 200 book voucher)
Submission deadline | : | 30th April, 2025 (Wednesday) |
Selection Exercise | : | May/ June 2025 |
Interview for shortlisted candidates | : | June/ July 2025 |
Winner Notification | : | By late August 2025 |
Awards Presentation Ceremony | : | September/ October 2025 |
Submission Guidelines
- Teacher-in-charge should submit the student’s essay with a duly completed Official Entry Form and completion of the online Google Form.
- Teacher-in-charge should mail the students’ entries and the completed Official Entry Form to the collection office at: 5/F, Education Division, Wong Fung Ling Memorial Building, 12 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, Attn: Mr. MAK; by the submission deadline. Late submission may not be accepted.
- Teacher-in-charge should upload the student entries in WORD version at the designated website and fill in the online Google Form at https://forms.gle/fSrxKYQXEWWPD8Vh7 .
- If you want to apply two levels, please complete and submit two sets of Official Entry Form and online Google form accordingly.
- Submit the entry correctly. This allows us to contact the teacher-in-charge if the student is shortlisted for the selection process.
- For enquiries, please contact Alex MAK at 2859-7655 or email to twghsgpgd@gmail.com.
Forms Download
Student Information Form (Junior Level/ Middle Level/ Senior Level) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VuHYWEejmUWLMXI-SK-3kBe0vnGt2RLx/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114159758236100738353&rtpof=true&sd=true
Entry Format
Students’ entry must be submitted in printed form on a plain A4 paper without any marks, names or school logos on the paper.
Paper | : | A4 |
Font Colour | : | Black |
Font Type | : | Arial or Times New Roman |
Font Size | : | 12 and double line spacing with 3 cm wide margins all around |
Page Number | : | All pages should be numbered at bottom center. |
* Serial number can be put down by pencil at the top right hand corner of each entry.
Anthology Publication
All award-winning writings may be published. Tung Wah Group of Hospitals reserves the right to “slightly edit” the works that will be published.
Interview and Award Presentation Ceremony
There will be an Award Presentation Ceremony for Bronze, Silver and Gold award winners, together with students with merit. Details will be announced duly.
- Participants are reminded to observe the guidelines and requirements carefully before submission as multiple submissions will not be considered and may lead to failure in application.
- All essay entries should be the student’s original work, neither previously published nor being considered for publication elsewhere. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, multiple submission of same essay will lead to disqualification.
- By entering TWGHs “Good People, Good Deeds: English Writing Competition 2024-25”, the student’s parents, student and the school give TWGHs permission to contact him/her with regard to the competition.
- TWGHs retains the copyright to all entries received for the competition.
- TWGHs reserves the right to decline any entry not meeting the guidelines. Students are suggested to check the entries for any mistakes and missing words.
- The competition will be judged by an Adjudicating Panel. In the event of a tie, the award will be shared. The Adjudicating Panel’s decision will be final.
- The Competition is solely organised by TWGHs. TWGHs has the right to alter the Competition and Competition Rules or make exceptions without any prior notice.