Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Media Centre

July 2014

Tung Wah News

July 2014

Chairman’s Message

Chairman Mr. SZE Wing Hang, Ivan

When it comes to serving the society and promoting charitable acts, TWGHs has been supported by the mass media in various means. With this in mind, the TWGHs Board of Directors will host an Annual Media Luncheon to facilitate the communications with the media friends, keeping them abreast with new developments of TWGHs.

This year’s luncheon was held on 24 June 2014, featuring our social enterprises. As the chairman, I am proud to see that our guests were amazed by the food and beverages prepared by our 2 social enterprises, “iBakery Gallery Cafe” and“CookEasy Food Packs and Delivery Service. The handmade souvenirs by Nice Handmake and instant photo-taking services by ImagePro were also greatly appreciated. All these demonstrate that people with different backgrounds and disabilities could also contribute to the society and live a great life.

Besides empowering the needy, we also cultivate the youth. TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College is expecting its new campus in early 2016 to provide a better learning environment for students’ all-rounded development.

On behalf of TWGHs, I would like to convey our heart-felt gratitude to the late Mr. YAO Ling-Sun and his family for their generosity. The 27 million donation from Mr. Yao’s legacy sets a good model for the society, and TWGHs can make good use of the fund to aid the development of its elderly and rehabilitation services.

Mr. YAO Ling-Sun donates $27,650,000 to TWGHs

Mr. YAO Ling-Sun donates $27,650,000 to TWGHs

TWGHs has received a donation of $27,650,000 from the legacy of the late Mr. YAO Ling-Sun for supporting 3 social welfare projects. The first project is the launch of a new Day Activity Centre cum Hostel in Tin Shui Wai, which provides the severely mentally disabled persons residential, day care and training services aiming to improve their self-care ability and independence.

Two charitable funds dedicated to provide assistance to the severely mentally disabled persons and elders who are in urgent or special needs will also be established, namely “TWGHs Yao Ling Sun Memorial Rehabilitation Charitable Fund” and “TWGHs Yao Ling Sun Memorial Fund for the Elderly”.

Mr. Yao, born in Shanghai in 1913, was a local pioneer in the construction industry, and passed away in October 2007 at the age of 95. He dedicated his life to Hong Kong, especially in the aspects of education and social welfare. He will live long in our heart with his generosity.

To express our gratitude to Mr. Yao, TWGHs held a cheque presentation ceremony on 25 June 2014 and invited his wife Mrs. Yao and his daughter Ms. Mary YAO Ling Ling as our Guest of Honour. Mr. Ivan SZE, the Chairman, presented a souvenir to our guests to express our appreciation and the ceremony ended warmly with the sharing between the guests as well as the elders and the disabled.

Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of Redevelopment of TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Marking the New Era of the School History

Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of Redevelopment of TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Marking the New Era of the School History

The Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College held on 5 July 2014 has marked a new are of its campus redevelopment project. TWGHs was pleased to have Mr. Eddie NG Hak-Kim, SBS, JP, the Secretary for Education, as our Guest of Honour while Mr. Ivan SZE, the Chairman, Dr. Philip WONG, Dr. Wilson WONG and Ms. Macy HO, Vice Chairman, were present.

In the ceremony, Mr. Sze said that the old school premises could no longer satisfy the needs of the school due to space limitations. The new premises would provide 30 classrooms in addition to a wide range of facilities and will be fused with environmentally-friendly concepts to promote all-rounded development.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sze thanked for the full support from Mr. Eddie NG, the Education Bureau and various donors for supporting the redevelopment project.

Guests were interested in the models of both the new and old premises and took photos on site, witnessing the progress of TWGHs’ education services. The construction work will commence right away after the ceremony and will be completed in late 2015.

Media Luncheon by TWGHs Board of Directors demonstrates Social Enterprises Edges to Promote Social Inclusion

Media Luncheon by TWGHs Board of Directors demonstrates Social Enterprises Edges to Promote Social Inclusion

A Media Luncheon by TWGHs Board of Directors was held on 24 June 2014 and invited Mr. Patrick NIP, JP, Director of Information Services, and other media friends. Mr. Ivan SZE, the chairman, reaffirming the importance of media, and thanked them for their support through communicating the information of TWGHs to the public.

Mr. Sze said that TWGHs social enterprises offer various services, including retail, food and beverage, and bakery, providing more than 580 training and working opportunities to the underprivileged.

With the theme of “TWGHs Social Enterprises demonstrates Edges”, various social enterprises, including iBakery, CookEasy and ImagePro were present at the luncheon to showcase their capabilities to the media by providing catering, instant photo shooting and handmade souvenirs personalisation services for the guests.

The performance by the drum team of TWGHs Jockey Club Rehabilitation Centre unveiled the luncheon while customers, volunteers and workers of the social enterprises shared their fun experiences at work.

TWGHs‧HKT‧Jue Yao‧HKSO Charity Concert -Our Stage Our Care

TWGHs‧HKT‧Jue Yao‧HKSO Charity Concert -Our Stage Our Care

In order to raise fund for aiding medical, education and social services, TWGHs held the “TWGHs‧HKT‧Jue Yao‧HKSO Charity Concert – Our Stage Our Care” on 21 June 2014 at Concert Hall, the Hong Kong City Hall. Mr. Matthew CHEUNG, GBS, JP, the Secretary of Labour and Welfare, and Mr. CHAN Wing-Kee, GBS, JP, the Chairman of Board of Governor of Hong Kong String Orchestra, were invited as the officiating guests. With the support from all donors and celebrities, the event has raised more than 2 million.

The charity concert was the first collaboration between the Hong Kong String Orchestra and TWGHs and we were honoured to have the well-known violist Miss. Jue YAO as the Music Director and famous local musician Mr. CHIU Tsang-Hei as the consultant, while a new star Ms. Mag LAM sang in the concert.

TWGHs awarded the “Class of Excellence” Wastewi$e Label under the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental

TWGHs awarded the “Class of Excellence” Wastewi$e Label under the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental

This year, TWGHs once again was awarded with the “Class of Excellence” Wastewi$e Label under the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence for our achievement in reducing waste. In the future, we will strive for our best in realizing the concept of“reducing waste” by encouraging staff to treasure what we have while sticking to the“Use Less, Waste Less in My Hands” Charter.

The Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence was co-organised by the Environmental Campaign Committee and the Environmental Protection Department together with 9 organisations in the purpose of advocating environment management and environmental creativity notion as well as commending organisations dedicated to environmental protection.

For more details, please refer to Chinese version