Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Media Centre

18 secondary schools of TWGHs join hands to organize visual arts exhibition to showcase over a thousand art pieces

More than a thousand art pieces have been displayed at the Joint Secondary Schools Visual Arts Exhibition organized by the 18 secondary schools of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals from 8 to 10 May at the Hong Kong Central Library.

Guangzhou No. 109 Middle School, a sister-school of TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors’ College, was also invited to participate in the exhibition to encourage exchanges on artistic creation amongst Hong Kong and Mainland students.

The large scale exhibition has shown a multitude of art pieces expressed in various formats ranging from Chinese and Western paintings, calligraphy, seal cutting, sculpture, device, mosaic, graphic design, 3-D design, comics to woodcut. The huge volume of artistic creation is regarded as a showcase demonstrating the ingenious art pieces that speak the mind of the new generation. Themes like relations between the environment and the mankind, reflection on the financial tsunami, technology and art, inspiration on fine cuisine, and the Hangzhou historical study tour, etc. have illustrated students’ mastery of skills and their accomplishment in art learning.

Tung Wah advocates all-round education for students with art education being an essential element. Students were apparently thrilled at the exhibition and they indeed found the exhibition a lively way to learn about arts.

For media enquiries, please contact Ms. Ivy LAU, Manager (Public Relations), at 2859 7853.

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Teachers and students share the fun of art and creativity in various formats.

Teachers and students share the fun of art and creativity in various formats.

Teachers and students share the fun of art and creativity in various formats.

Teachers and students share the fun of art and creativity in various formats.

Teachers and students share the fun of art and creativity in various formats.

Photos: Teachers and students share the fun of art and creativity in various formats.