Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Media Centre

Agnès b. La Maison sur L’eau joins hands with TWGHs Exhibition

Agnès b. La Maison sur L’eau joins hands with TWGHs
Embark on the journey to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals …

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs)

“To heal the sick and to relieve the distressed; to care for the elderly and to rehabilitate the disabled; to promote education and to nurture youngsters; and to raise the infants and to guide the children.”

The establishment of TWGHs could be tracked back to Kwong Fook Tsz, a small built at Tai Ping Shan Street on the Hong Kong Island in 1856, for people to house the spirit-tablets of their ancestors. As the temple was gradually taken by the sick and the poor as a refuge, it became deteriorated with dirt and eventually aroused the Government and the public concern.

The incident showed the importance of having a hospital for the Chinese. With the endeavour of a group of Chinese community leaders, the first Chinese hospital in Hong Kong, named “Tung Wah Hospital”, was finally built in 1870 to provide free medical services to the sick and the poor.

For over a hundred years, TWGHs has been making significant contributions to the Hong Kong society and nowadays, TWGHs has become the largest charitable organization in Hong Kong to provide medical & health, education & community services to fulfill the society needs and to provide high quality services at low rates.

Agnès b. La Maisonsur L’eau x TWGHs

To widespread Agnès b.’s idea of “Give Love” and sharing, Agnès b. La Maison sur L’eau is proud to present the exhibition for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.

The exhibition will focus on its three major service aspects of medical & health, education, and community, and which will be presented respectively in Agnès b. La Maison sur L’eau Leighton Road, ifc LA LOGGIA and Festival Walk.

Amidst the journey of TWGHs historical evolution, we have invited four different artists to collaborate with us to bring this exhibition to life.

- Nathalie Gilles is a French artist who prefers curiosity and pleasure to the sole obsession of dedicating oneself to a systematic artistic practice. With her mysterious yet endearing style, she has created a pair of lively icons with inspiration from books which she thinks has the close connection with education.

- Jonone, a French graffiti artist, who likes to use simple shapes and vibrant colors to express his vision and feelings of the modern world. He has made “Give Love” into graffiti in the hope of bringing sunshine to the patients under medical & health service.

- Kabo is a Japanese photographer who was born in Tokyo. As a born passionate photographer, she has taken many photos for community services of TWGHs, in which she hopes people not only experience her feelings, but also her enthusiasm towards photograph. Hong Kong based female director; Yan Yan MAK was born in Hong Kong. She is a graduate from The HK Academy for Performing Arts in 1998 andestablished Dragonfly J Productions to produce her own projects in the same year.Shestarted workingas Assistant Director, Production Manager and Art Director in the film/TV industry while still studying in school.Beginning with her directorial debut ‘gege’ (brother) in 2001, Yan Yan has come up with her award-winning films (such as Butterfly and August Story) andsigned by CAA (Creative Artists Agency) as Director in 2007. With her passion for films, she has joined hands with us to produce a short film for this exhibition.

Details of artists’ participation are as follows:


Art Medium




Nathalie Gilles



Leighton Road

Photographs from TWGHs



Medical Service


Photographs from TWGHs



Community Service


Kabo’s Photographs and students’ artwork

Mak Yan Yan


Links the 3 aspects

Played in all 3 shops


The three major services of TWGHs

EDUCATION (Leighton Road)

TWGHs started its first free school at Hollywood Road in 1880 and now they have over 50 schools in Hong Kong including a Community College operated in partnership with The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 18 secondary schools, 15 primary schools, 15 kindergartens and 2 special schools. The mission in EDUCATION is to provide comprehensive and multifarious service for children and young people to develop their full potential and eventually to serve the community. The school motto “Diligence, Frugality, Loyalty and Trustworthiness” is the guiding principle in moral and intellectual development of the students. Artwork of French artist Nathalie Gilles and the video of director Mak Yan Yan will also be shown in the shop.


Tung Wah Hospital was founded in 1870 and is widely recognized as the first hospital in China having adopted western hospital mode in providing Chinese medicine services. The mission in MEDICAL & HEALTH SERVICES is to provide high quality western and Chinese medical and health care services, offer free consultation of Chinese and western medicine to the needy, as well as expanding services which fall out of the current public health system. Nowadays, it has 22 service units in total, to name a few, Tung Wah Hospital, Kwong Wah Hospital, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital, TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital and TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital. Visitors can find the artwork of Graffiti artist, Jonone and the video of Mak Yan Yan in the shop.


Ever since its opening in 1870, TWGHs had first started its community services primarily to provide immediate relief for victims of disaster. In the decades that follow, its COMMUNITY SERVICES proliferated to cater for the needs of families, children and youth, the elderly and the disabled, as well as Chinese traditional services for the community in accordance with the main theme “Quality Care, Holistic Development”. Nowadays, there are 144 community service centres which include 43 elderly service centres, 43 youth & family services centres, 41 rehabilitation service centres and 17 traditional service centres. Besides the video of Mak Yan Yan, a spectrum of photographs from Japanese photographer Kabo as well as students’ art pieces will be displayed to create a surprising and appealing showcase.


One of the youth and family services is nursery school which provides day care service to families who are unable to take care of their kids in day time. The school strives to provide support to take care of the kids and develop them into life-long learners with a global vision through inquiry-based learning.


With a growing trend of aging population and rapid changes in the socio-economic structure in Hong Kong, TWGHs strives to keep abreast of the changing demands of the elderly and gear their provision of residential, community and home care services to enable senior citizens to enjoy dignified and happy lives.


A spectrum of services ranging from day training, vocational rehabilitation to residential care is offered to the mentally handicapped in the hope of helping them to re-integrate into the society. Parent work, counseling and guidance services to family members and community education programmes are provided as well.


TWGHs Man Mo Temple and TWGHs Kwong Fook Tsz are 2 of the temples operated by Tung Wah offering traditional services. Revenue from the temples is used for temple maintenance, school establishment as well as providing assistance to charitable services and subsidizing in part its hospitals.

Start off the journey and get your shopping spree at Agnès b. La Maison sur L’eau!!

During the exhibition period, simply collect a stamp at each of the following destinations; present the fully-stamped card at Agnès b. La Maison sur L’eau on Leighton Road and you’ll get HK100 instant rebate for every HK$500 spending!

Special products for TWGHs exhibition

A number of products are created with artists’ collaboration. Proceed of their sales will be donated to TWGHs, for supporting their charity and benefaction.

Waterglass $190 (by Jonone)
Waterglass $190 (by Jonone)

Coffee Mug $ 290(by Nathalie Gilles)
Coffee Mug $ 290(by Nathalie Gilles)

Notebook $ 90(left by Nathalie Gilles and right by Jonone)
Notebook $ 90(left by Nathalie Gilles and right by Jonone)

Agnès b. La Maison sur L’eau (Travel Concept Store)

- Shop 3089 – 3097, Podium Level 3, ifc Mall, Central, HK (2805 0678)

- Shop LG1-40, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong, KLN (2265 7018)

- 1/F, 111 Leighton Rd, Causeway Bay, HK (2895 1350)

Agnès b. Press Office

Joan Chui – Assistant Marketing Manager (D: 2894 2744 / E: joan@agnesb.com.hk)

Ivy Tse – Press Officer (D: 2894 2745/ E: ivy@agnesb.com.hk)

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For media enquiries, please contact Ms. Ivy LAU, Manager (Public Relations), at 2859 7853.