The Division is responsible for facilitating and monitoring the formation of the Board of Directors. It manages the work in connection with the relevant Ordinances of TWGHs, the administrative work of the Association of Past and Present Directors of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, the management of the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital, as well as provides secretarial support for the Board and senior management of Administration Headquarters. The Division builds and promotes the public image of the Board of Directors by organising social functions and meetings for the Board. These activities are geared towards strengthening communications and building relationships with government departments, the Central People’s Government offices in Hong Kong, visiting delegations from Mainland organisations, provinces and cities, as well as other associated organisations. The Division also helps arrange the protocol of ceremonial events and functions initiated by other Divisions/Office/Section and provides central services, including receiving and dispatching, transportation and menial support for the Administration Headquarters.