Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Media Centre

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals launches
the “Preserve and Share ─Tung Wah Museum Archives” website
Sharing the Culture Heritage of TWGHs with the World

Since its establishment in 2010, the Records and Heritage Office of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) has been actively safeguarding and sharing the culture heritage of TWGHs. In recent years, the Office has carried out a number of significant archives restoration, preservation and digitization projects. Following the earlier opening of a permanent archives and relics Centre, the Office today launches the “Preserve and Share─Tung Wah Museum Archives” website (www.twmarchives.hk). Visitors from all around the world not only can access the selected archives preserves of Tung Wah Museum on the internet, they may also receive timely news of the archives. The launch of the website marks a key milestone for TWGHs on its heritage conservation work.

In the first stage of the website launch, three main collections namely “Tung Wah Museum Archives Catalogue”, “Tung Wah Museum Historic Photos” and “Tung Wah Coffin Home Archives” are introduced. The archives index of the museum can be retrieved under the “Tung Wah Museum Archives Catalogue” and will be updated on a regular basis. The Group photos of the Board of Directors from 1918 to 1950, and some event photos of the Board of Directors from 1951 to 1955 are demonstrated under the “Tung Wah Museum Historic Photos” section. For “Tung Wah Coffin Home Archives”, the Office has chosen 300 correspondences from the Museum’s collection which were sent to TWGHs either by overseas Chinese organizations or individuals around the world during the late 1920s to 1930s requesting for the bone repatriation service. Bilingual text versions of these correspondences will also be uploaded at a later stage. In addition, updated news and articles of the archives will be released in the “Archives Bulletin” section from time to time.

TWGHs Records and Heritage Office will continue to enrich the website with an aim to develop an information platform for the world to understand and research into the history of TWGHs, Hong Kong, modern China, the world as well as Chinese migration. To facilitate the website visitors, an advanced search function is developed, respective information will be instantly listed out simply by inputting specific keywords.

Since its establishment in 1870, TWGHs has been all along upholding its mission “To heal the sick and to relieve the distressed; to care for the elderly and to rehabilitate the disabled; to promote education and to nurture youngsters; and to raise the infants and to guide the children.” Nowadays, TWGHs has become the largest charitable organization in Hong Kong. For over a hundred years, TWGHs’ medical and health, education and community services have developed rapidly to fulfill the needs of the society and to provide high quality services at low rates. Today, TWGHs operates over 303 services centres, including 5 hospitals and health services and 28 Chinese and Western medicine services centres, 53 education services centres, 215 community services centres that cover elderly, youth and family, rehabilitation and traditional services, whilst the Tung Wah Museum strives to promote, restore and preserve the heritage and relics of TWGHs. TWGHs Archives and Relics Centre has been set up to preserve TWGHs’ valuable cultural assets.

* End *

For media inquiries, please contact the Corporate Communications Branch of TWGHs at 2859 7453.

The "Preserve and Share ─Tung Wah Museum Archives” website main page

The “Preserve and Share ─Tung Wah Museum Archives” website main page

"Tung Wah Museum Archives Catalogue" collection.

“Tung Wah Museum Archives Catalogue” collection.

"Tung Wah Museum Historic Photos" collection.

“Tung Wah Museum Historic Photos” collection.

A total of 300 correspondences from the coffin home archives, about the request for the bone repatriation service during the late 1920s to 1930s, were uploaded to the "Tung Wah Coffin Home Archives"

A total of 300 correspondences from the coffin home archives, about the request for the bone repatriation service during the late 1920s to 1930s, were uploaded to the “Tung Wah Coffin Home Archives”

Advanced search function of the "Preserve and Share ─Tung Wah Museum Archives” website

Advanced search function of the “Preserve and Share ─Tung Wah Museum Archives” website