Press Release and Highlight 2020Latest News202520242023202220212020201921.12.2020Book Launch: Humanities: For Commemoration of 120th Anniversary of Tung Wah Coffin Home06.12.2020Tung Wah Charity Gala 202026.11.2020Postponement of “TWGHs 150th Anniversary: Community Day @ Tung Wah Village”26.11.2020Press Conference of Tung Wah Charity Gala 202012.11.2020香港钟表业总会捐赠流动数据卡予东华三院学校 支援学生网上学习11.11.2020Kick-off Ceremony of TWGHs 150th Anniversary Celebrating Event Joint Arts Exhibition08.11.2020Tung Wah Charity Gala 2020 Kick-off Ceremony06.11.2020传统庙宇联乘「爱不同艺术」 共贺东华三院150周年 绘本《三十六神明绘》正式出版05.11.2020"Hand-in-Hand for Benevolence: Tung Wah's Fundraising Culture and Social Development" Exhibition cum Opening Ceremony20.10.2020Inauguration Ceremony of TWGHs Board of Directors 2020/2021 Serving Hong Kong for 150 years For Charity, We Go Beyond15.10.2020秉承传统 东华三院文武庙举行秋祭典礼14.10.2020Tseng Hin Pei Charity Fund Limited Presents: TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera05.10.2020Prize Presentation Ceremony for Student of the Year Award cum HKDSE Outstanding Awards05.09.2020TWGHs Joint Temples Mid-year Festival Rites02.09.2020“Friends of Tung Wah” Monthly Donation Scheme26.08.2020TWGHs Flag Day 202025.08.2020TWGHs Medical Mask Production Cleanroom Launched into Production with 500,000 Monthly Output K. Wah International Holdings Limited takes the lead with full support from TWGHs to donate 140,000 Medical Masks to Social Welfare Organisations21.08.2020TWGHs 150th Anniversary: Skateboard Deck Art Online Exhibition cum Charity Auction13.08.2020TWGHs 150th Anniversary: Skateboard Deck Art Online Exhibition cum Charity AuctionRenowned Artists and Celebrities from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan Go Beyond for CharityThe Most Heartening Skateboard Deck Art In Support of TWGHs Students’ Art & Music Education04.08.2020解危纾困 救病拯危 急中之急东华三院筹得1,000万为逾1,000户提供紧急经济支援动员逾300名工作人员及志愿者支援社区检测及派发食物包22.07.2020东华三院属校学生于香港中学文凭考试获取佳绩适切学校与老师支援 成就追梦理想26.06.2020TWGHs 150th Anniversary: Skateboard Deck Art Exhibition cum Online Charity Auction01.06.2020TWGHs Short term Financial Aid for the COVID-1928.05.2020"Heritage Over a Century: Tung Wah Museum and Heritage Conservation" Exhibition22.05.2020东华义庄及油麻地天后庙群 获政府正式刊宪宣布列作法定古迹04.05.2020「东华三院‧分享爱‧疫境同行」失业及短期经济援助筹募计划 吁全城以爱行善 携手施援解困29.04.2020深水埗南昌街组合社会房屋 现接受公众人士申请 截止日期为2020年6月5日27.04.2020Apex Ace Holding Ltd. presents: TWGHs Charity Concert “LOVE actually LIVE actually’’23.04.2020东华三院先后派发逾200万口罩 续推第2阶段抗疫措施 多项新增措施助持续支援社区14.04.2020Apex Ace Holding Ltd. presents: TWGHs Charity Concert “LOVE actually LIVE actually’’09.04.2020公告 — 延长暂停东华三院属下庙宇及黄大仙签品哲理中心服务09.04.2020公告 — 延长东华义庄临时特别措施01.04.2020TWGHs Board of Directors 2020/2021 Took Office Spreading 150 Years of Philanthropic Spirits and Joining Hands to Go Beyond for Charity28.03.2020公告 ─ 东华义庄临时特别措施28.03.2020公告 ─ 东华三院属下庙宇及黄大仙签品哲理中心服务的安排27.03.2020声明—有关「第512名新型冠状病毒患者」的事宜25.03.2020公告—东华三院慈善晚宴及董事局就职典礼的安排10.03.2020TWGHs Charity Raffle26.02.2020TWGHs Held the Annual General Meeting to Elect the Chairman and Board Members 2020/202125.02.2020东华三院推18项措施扶弱抗疫 携手协助社区跨过疫境25.02.2020东华三院顾问马鸿铭博士BBS太平绅士乐善好施捐赠10万个外科口罩及防护用品 助医护同心抗疫19.02.2020Private Columbaria License Obtained by Tung Wah Coffin Home29.01.2020Announcement - In response to the Government’s latest measures and guidelines on “the Preparedness and Response Plan for Novel Infectious Disease of Public Health Significance”, TWGHs adjustments on its services and work arrangement for staff13.01.2020TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour Awarded ISO 14001:2015 Certification on Environmental Management System12.01.2020TWGHs “iRun” – Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 202008.01.2020Tung Wah Charity Gala 2019 Prize Presentation Dinner Party03.01.2020The Kick-off Ceremony of “Every Child is an Artist” Art Exhibition of TWGHs Kindergartens