Press Release and Highlight 2019Latest News202520242023202220212020201930.12.2019TWGHs CookEasy New Year Cake Products24.12.201935th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of TWGHs Hung Wong Kar Gee Kindergarten24.12.2019声明—本院就「东华三院洗黑钱」言论之回应20.12.2019TWGHs Man Mo Temple held Man Cheong Enlightenment Rites17.12.2019澄清声明—东华三院与「东华三院社会运动关注组」并无任何关系13.12.201915th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of TWGHs Chow Yin Sum Primary School08.12.2019Tung Wah Charity Gala 201926.11.2019New TWGHs iBakery outlet in Wan Chai20.11.2019就东华三院卢干庭纪念中学有学生阻碍港铁列车车门一事之声明07.11.2019Tung Wah Charity Gala 2019 Kick-off Ceremony cum Dinner25.10.2019UNIR (HK) Management Limited proudly sponsors: Tung Wah Charity Gala – Charity Golf Tournament at Mission Hills Golf Club 201925.10.2019TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Sports Day18.10.2019“Knowledge builds up in steps: London Collection” - TWGHs Student Ambassadors Education Tour to London16.10.2019TWGHs Organises Autumn Sacrificial Rites at TWGHs Man Mo Temple15.10.2019Runners of TWGHs iRun Won 7 Awards at Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon 201904.10.2019Kick-off Ceremony of TWGHs Student Ambassadors Education Tour to London cum TWGHs Flag Day Student Volunteers Appreciation Ceremony02.10.2019TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera Show “Woman Warrior: Mu Gui-ying”24.09.2019Naming Ceremony of TWGHs M Ho Integrated Rehabilitation Centre13.09.2019东华三院辛亥年总理中学遭连串滋扰及抹黑之严正声明09.09.2019TWGHs Challenge Cup08.09.2019Shun Shin Kindness Foundation Proudly Sponsors: TWGHs Free Medical Services Donation Scheme Ceremony and Dinner31.08.2019TWGHs Flag Day 201930.08.2019Naming Ceremony of TWGHs Lukfook Group Chinese Medicine Clinic27.08.2019TWGHs Man Mo Temple Scholarship for Overseas Studies18.08.2019The 10th Anniversary of TWGHs Joint Temples Mid-year Festival Rites08.08.2019东华三院李东海小学校董会一致通过全面接纳独立调查委员会报告及 19 项建议08.08.2019Independent Investigation Committee of TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School – Incident Investigation Report (Recommendations)01.08.2019TWGHs’ Statement in response to the Completion of Report by Independent Investigation Committee of TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School01.08.2019Independent Investigation Committee of TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School - Conclusion of the Incident Investigation and Statement28.07.2019TWGHs Tenancy Management for Senior-owner Occupiers23.07.2019TWGHs Statement in response to the recent violent incidents and social situation16.07.2019Kick-off Ceremony of "Shun Shin Kindness Foundation Proudly Sponsors: TWGHs Free Medical Services Donation Scheme"13.07.2019Prize Presentation Ceremony for Student of the Year Award cum HKDSE Outstanding Awards10.07.2019TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College student NG Chun Hei got excellent results in HKDSE05.07.2019TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Graduation Ceremony04.07.2019TWGHs Joint Special Schools Speech Day28.06.2019HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity ProgrammeIntelligent Robots for SEN Children Learning - Robot4SEN Project Award Presentation cum Closing Ceremony26.06.2019TWGHs Statement on the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance Legislative Exercise15.06.2019TWGHs‧CGSE‧HKTBC Charity Bowling Tournament13.06.2019TWGHs Statement on Amendment to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance11.06.2019Press Conference of the Study on the Effectiveness of Intergenerational Art Home Visitation Programme06.06.201935th Anniversity Ceremony of TWGHs Lui Fung Faung Memorial Kindergarten31.05.2019TWGHs Statement on Schools’ Sign Petitions Against the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance Legislative Exercise31.05.2019Naming Ceremony of TWGHs Wong Wu Lai Ming Chinese Medicine Clinic30.05.2019TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera15.05.2019Joint Graduation Ceremony of TWGHs Kindergartens07.05.2019The Annual General Meeting of the Association of Past and Present Directors of the TWGHs06.05.2019TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera Press Conference30.04.2019Tin Hau Fest! Yaumatei04.04.2019Joint Dinner of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Boards of Directors 2018/2019 & 2019/202003.04.2019Inauguration Ceremony of TWGHs Board of Directors 2019/2020Upholding TWGHs’ mission to serve the community29.03.2019The School Establishment Ceremony of TWGHs Shui Chuen O Primary School27.03.2019Opening Ceremony of TWGHs "Fortune Loft"26.03.2019Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College LYC Student Resources Centre23.03.2019TWGHs Scholarship Presentation Ceremony11.03.2019Independent Investigation Committee of TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School08.03.2019TWGHs Charity Raffle05.03.2019“Best 60s” Elderly Mental Health Community Education Project03.03.2019Radio-i-Care “Be a Happy Family” Carnival cum Classic Cars Exhibition28.02.2019Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Lee Yen & Lee Yuk Lun, BBS, JP, Father & Son Lohas Villa27.02.2019Opening Ceremony of TWGHs The Oasis Youth Co-working Space22.02.201922.02.2019Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Engage20.02.2019Opening of TWGHs Yiu Tung Community Kitchen19.02.2019TWGHs' Headquarters holds Spring Reception18.02.2019Launching Ceremony of New School Bus of TWGHs Lucina Laam Ho Kindergarten08.02.2019TWGHs Corporate Partnership Recognition Ceremony31.01.2019Merry-Go-Round Digital Studio and Willy Tsoi Wing Yuet Conservation Room of the TWGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre27.01.2019LGT Private Banking proudly sponsors: TWGHs Charity Challenge Race25.01.2019Lukfook Jewellery presents: TWGHs 148th Charity Dinner · Circus in Wonderland24.01.2019Press Conference and Forum for the “TWGHs Sun Life Navigation Project Research Result Announcement”22.01.2019TWGHs Challenge Cup21.01.2019Hong Kong Givers Day 201913.01.2019TWGHs “iRun” – Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 201911.01.201925th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College10.01.2019Tung Wah Charity Gala 2018 Prize Presentation Dinner Party10.01.2019TWGHs Joint Special Schools Sports Day 2018/201909.01.2019TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Speech Day 2019